The Basics

eat to live weekly food prep dr fuhrman nutritarian diet plan weekly meal prep no oil recipes the end of heart diseaseIt’s Sunday, what are you doing today?

Besides dreading tomorrow…do you have anything else planned?

Public service announcement:  You need to get up and join me in the kitchen, my friend!  That’s right, Sunday’s were made for kicking ass in the getting healthy department!

It’s time to wrap your loving arms around this day because if you use it right, it is going to give you maddening success in the week to come!  You are going to OWN this week!

All it takes is one day of purposeful action to guarantee that you stay on track with your healthy eating for the next 7 days.  And guess what?  If you can duplicate that week 3 more times–well, then you’ve got a whole month of healthy eating under your belt.  (And, BTW your belt is going to be feeling a whole lot looser too!)

I’ve got everything you’re going to need to make this happen!  All you have to do is start. Now.

My eat to live motto has always been: PREP YOURSELF BEFORE YOU WRECK YOURSELF!

And I’m going to show you exactly how you’re going to do it with these 8 steps:

  1. build your own salad bar
  2. get good food storage
  3. super-easy breakfast preps
  4. make a big pot of soup
  5. AHVR (always have veggies roasting)
  6. portion out carbs
  7. the real power lunch
  8. set your schedule **grab your free printable weekly schedule here!

No more thinking “it’s too hard to eat a healthy lunch at work,” no more compromising your food choices because you’re too tired to cook after a long day of commuting, working and wrangling the kids.

You’re a weekly food prepper now!

Eat to Live Dr Fuhrman Program 6 week plan Dr Greger Daily Dozen nutritionfacts org Engine 2 diet Whole food plant based meal prepUm, how freaking amazing does this salad bar look?  Doesn’t that make figuring out your two daily salads a whole lot easier?

Good!  Now let’s learn how to make it happen…


Salads loaded with raw veggies and healthful, no-oil dressings are the cornerstone of the Eat to Live program.

Dr. Fuhrman recommends getting a pound of raw vegetables in your diet daily.

Seem crazy?  Don’t be scurred.  Easily done with your weekly salad bar!  The key here is taking the time to do all your veggie chopping on Sunday.

The first step is figuring out what veggies you want on hand for the week. 

Here are my top choices that can stay fresh for 5+ days:

  • red onions
  • cabbage (red or green)
  • carrots
  • cucumbers
  • bell peppers
  • sugar snap peas
  • beets
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • grape tomatoes (can be chopped or left whole)

A little tip for keeping chopped veggies fresh is adding a napkin or half paper towel into the bottom of the container to absorb water.

Don’t forget to have beans ready to go too.  I usually take two cans of garbanzo beans (use your favorites), drain them and rinse them well and keep them in a baggie for easier access.

no oil salad dressings no added salt recipes Dr Fuhrman eat to live program PBS Dr Greger daily dozenMake two fresh, homemade salad dressings for the week.

I suggest always having one bean-based and one nut-based dressing each week.  You can also fill in with flavored vinegar if you get bored.

Some of my favorites are:

How Your Salad Bar Works

By having all your salad toppings cut, shredded or otherwise modified to your heart’s content, it’s going to make your salad literally grab-and-go-able!

Just like your favorite local salad bar.  And if you have to make more than one salad, all the better and all the easier!

Load up your toppings, choose your dressing and then eat! that! salad!

Here’s a quick video of how I like to make a huge rainbow salad with oil-free hummus and balsamic using my in-fridge salad bar:

More Salad Bar Prep Tips

Big tip alert:

When you’re making your dinner salad, pack up your lunch salad for the next day.

Let’s start with Sunday’s dinner.  You’re going to have a salad (cause you are striving for that 1 pound of raw veggies daily goal, right?).  So, you’re just going to pack your lunch salad for Monday at the very same time.

While you’re already in salad-making mode, make your salad for lunch!  Make sure to pack your toppings and dressing separate from the greens (no one wants a soggy salad–Monday is soggy enough already!).

What are you going to pack your lunch salad in?

That brings me to the next point…

the best to go salad container sistema dr fuhrman eat to live plan weekly food prep nutritarian recipesSTEP 2 | INVEST IN GOOD FOOD STORAGE

You’re a serious weekly food prepper now, that means you need the right gear!

If you’re eating your lunches away from home, your first purchase needs to be a good salad container.

There are tons of options out there!  My personal favorite is this one from Sistema:

I pack the bottom up with greens, I mean really stuff them in there!  The top portion holds about 2 cups of toppings.  The dressing container is on the smaller side, but that’s a good thing–you don’t need to be dowsing your salad in dressing anyway (even if it is healthy).

The fork and knife are just cute.  I mean, eating your salad with a hot pink fork just makes it taste that much better–I promise!  There are other colors too (if you insist on being boring).

Glass food containers safer than plastic Dr Greger nutritionfacts org Best tupperwear for helthy eating clean eating prepDitch the Plastic & Go Glass

You want all those veggies you chopped to stay fresh for at least 5 days, so you’re not dealing with a salad-topping meltdown come Friday.

You need to invest in glass food storage containers.  I have done the clinical trials for you on this one!  Glass keeps veggies fresher longer.

The other great thing about glass is that you can heat up your hot dishes right in the microwave.  No first-world problems like having to transfer your food to a microwave-safe dish or just figuring that you can handle some hot plastic chemical exposure because you’re just too dang lazy to do otherwise (okay, I’m speaking from personal experience on that one).

These are my two favorite sets, and I have them both (you can see above):

This set from Glassware (above) was my first.  I’ve had it for about two years and I love it!  Lots of different shapes and sizes and wonderful quality.

This set I just bought last week at Costco, and so far I’m impressed.  I love that it has a steamer tray–I’ve used it to make broccoli and beets and it worked perfectly.  Very comparable to my first set, so I recommend them both.

Lastly, since you’re going to be making your own delicious and nutritious salad dressings and sauces weekly, might I suggest you climb aboard the Mason jar train!

Yes, these puppies are all over Pinterest, dipped, dyed, feathered and bedazzled.  They always seemed so annoying to me because they were so trendy.  But, man oh man, do they keep your sauces fresh!

I made a batch of no-oil hummus for our Christmas vacation road trip, we were gone for two weeks, and the leftovers were still fresh when we made it back home!

So, grab a pack of Mason jars for your sauce preps.  Wide mouth is best, so you can easily spoon out your dressings.

Eat to Live Nutritarian Food Prep Breakfast Dr Fuhrman 6 week program clean eating food prep easy make ahead breakfast ideas3 STEP 3 | LEARN THESE ESSENTIAL (AND EASY) BREAKFAST PREPS

Dr. Fuhrman’s plan calls for three meals a day.  There is no snacking between meals (that would mess up your body’s catabolic state of super-good-for-you cellular repairs), so you really don’t want to skip breakfast.

Meet the three easy breakfast food preps that you need in your weekly food prep routine.

1 – Frozen Smoothie Packs

All you need are some plastic baggies, frozen fruit, greens, and banana.  It really does save that precious time during the morning rush–all you need to do is add your liquid, blend and go.

You can use my classic Eat to Live green smoothie recipe and be sure to check out some more flavor variations at Live Simply (photo credit).

2 – Make a Batch (or three) of Tofu Eggs

I make about 3 batches of tofu eggs as part of my weekly meal prepping using this no-oil, no-salt recipe.

I like to have them in the mornings, sometimes along with my green smoothie (if I’m particularly famished) and they are super-easy to heat up in the microwave and top with low-sodium pico de gallo or add in some spinach and chopped tomatoes.

They also come into play for dinner.  Un-fried Rice and, my new favorite, Loaded Baked Sweet Potatoes, both use tofu eggs.

3 – Overnight Oats

Here’s another insanely easy breakfast prep that you’re going to love.  Plus, you get to use one of your cute new Mason jars!

I have a super-quick, fruit-sweetened recipe here: Simple Overnight Oats.  Or you can check out this classic vegan recipe from Oh She Glows (photo credit).  Almond milk, un-cooked oats, chia seeds and fruit.  You had me at “un-cooked!”

These are super-satisfying and easy to make the night before!

Eat to Live Split Pea Soup Dr Fuhrman Plan Healthy food prep clean eating no oil no added salt soup recipeSTEP STEP 4 | MAKE A BIG POT OF SOUP

Dr. Fuhrman calls this the soup and salad diet.  And it can be that simple (and effective).

Now, I’m not advocating you eat the same soup at every meal.  There are lots of easy, yummy recipes you are going to add in there.  But, spaced out over the week, a pot of soup is going to take you a long way.

It’s an essential eat to live food prep!

My favorites:

You’re going to want to make about 6 to 8 cups of soup for the week per person.  I have it 3 to 4 times during the week.

I will be sharing my personal food prep regime at the end of the post!  We’re getting there…

Dr Fuhrman Diet Review no oil roasted vegetable recipe no added salt 6 week eat to live program dr greger daily dozen nutrition facts orgSTEP 5 | AHVR (ALWAYS HAVE VEGGIES ROASTING)

This has been an absolute game-changer in my third year on the Eat to Live lifestyle!

Somehow roasted veggies taste a bazillion times more amazing than raw veggies.

And it’s ridonculously easy to get a baking sheet and just load it up with whatever fresh veggies you have on hand.  They keep wonderfully in the fridge, you can load them into pitas and pop them on top of your salads.

These are my favorite veggies to roast:

  • eggplant
  • onions
  • mushrooms
  • broccoli
  • zuchinni
  • carrots
  • squash (butternut and delicata)

There are 2 ways you can roast your veggies.

If you’re just starting out, spray them very, very lightly with oil.  You can use this compressor and avoid the chemical exposure in non-stick sprays:

If you are meticulously cutting out oil (which you really should do if you’re serious about getting to your ideal weight) then you will want to invest in this Silpat pad:

If you’re not ready to invest in a Silpat, just get some good old fashioned parchment paper!

Either route you chose make sure to use no-salt seasoning, or dried herbs like thyme and rosemary.

Here are a few of my favorite roasted veggie pita recipes:

Always have a yummy sauce for your veggies.

You’re going to have pitas this week!

They are just too yummy and too easy to ignore!  I suggest making a sauce for the week that you can add to your pitas or serve with your roasted veggies.

These are some of my faves:

Bake a few sweet potatoes weekly.

Dr. Fuhrman recommends sweet potatoes over regular white varieties (and you can learn all about how to eat potatoes and which varieties are best on the nutritarian program by reading the Nutritarian Potato Primer here!).

Just wash them with water, wrap them in foil and bake at 375° for 30 to 40 minutes.  Stick them in one of your new glass containers and they will keep fresh (and be easy to re-heat) all week.

You can load them up with black beans, avocado and any other toppings you have on hand.  You can slice them up into your salad.  Trust me, you’ll find lots of way to jazz them up!


On Dr. Fuhrman’s 6 week plan, you can have up to 1 cup of whole grains daily.  If you’re working out regularly you can have more.  On my workout days I do two cups of whole grains.

I make a pot of brown rice for the week and then I have pitas and the baked sweet potatoes I mentioned above.

It is helpful to measure out your 1 cup of rice and keep them in baggies or containers.  This makes it super-easy to keep track of and they are right at your finger tips.

Nutritarian Food Prep Eat to Live Dr Fuhrman Clean Eating Meal PrepingSTEP 7 | LEFTOVERS FOR LUNCH

Meet the new power lunch.  You’ve got the power because you don’t even have to think about what you’re having for lunch.

I’ve lost a lot of weight by following this principle and you can too!

It’s so simple, just make an extra serving (per person) of your dinner and pack it up for the next day.  Now, your soup can already be portioned out on Sunday.  But about 2 times a week you’re going to make something fast and easy for dinner.

That’s your built-in lunch!

You can see my lunch line up for the week in the picture above.  Loaded Baked Sweet Potatoes and a new favorite: Edamame Noodles with Cilantro Cream Sauce, topped with roasted veggies.

I found these edamame noodles at Costco and they have only one ingredient: that’s right, edamame.  Packed with plant-protein and yummy too!  Get em!

You can boil them at the beginning of the week and they stay great in the fridge.  I add them to meals or salads.

Eat to Live Food Prep Guide Weekly Schedule printable Dr Fuhrman nutritarian 6 week program recipes planSTEP 8 | SET YOUR FOOD PREP SCHEDULE

Alright, you know what you need to do!  You’ve got the 8 easy recipes, the right gear, the tips, the tricks, now print this out–stat: Weekly Prep Schedule

Set your plan for the week and check off your categories (on the lower left-hand side) as you complete your food prep on your designated prep day!

Sometimes I have more time to cook.  Those are the times I like to make something special, and more involved, like these dishes:

Are you more of the I-need-it-all-figured-out type?

Well, I’ve got you covered!

Power Plan 2nd Edition Marketing Grid Image

I’ve helped over 3,500 nutritarians learn the prepping habits they need to have success eating to live!  You can learn more and read testimonials about my premium prepping program here!

I hope you can see now that you’ve got this!

This week is going to be amazing, you’re going to feel organized, in control and healthier in just 7 days.

You’re going to get better with practice.  More inventive and more efficient every Sunday–I promise.  You’re going to be a clean-eating-food-prep-machine!

So, I say we formally petition to have Sundays changed to Super-Unstoppably-Amazing Food Prep Day!–are you with me?

I’ll be in the kitchen today, hope to see you there!

Let’s live better together!


xo, Kristen
Kristen Hong of Hello Nutritarian

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  • Kate says:

    I love your site, so incredibly inspiring…and colorful! Thank you for sharing such practical insights into this way of eating. You give me hope that I can make the transition for myself! Do you have a suggestion for the best way to wash lots of veggies for prep at once? Do you use a specific wash or solution?

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Kate! Thanks so much for your very kind words and you can totally make this transition happen!

      I get pre-washed mixed baby greens from Costco and I love baby carrots because I don’t have to worry about washing! But for all the rest I usually soak them in the sink (after I’ve washed it down with very hot water and disinfected it).

      I don’t use any special solution–haven’t really looked into that yet. I soak them for 30 minutes to an hour then rinse them off. This is for cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, broccoli, eggplant–pretty much anything with skin I’ll be eating.

      xo, Kristen

      • Lynne Marie Thomas says:

        Hi Kristen – wow this site is AMAZING. I am so glad I came across you on Instagram. Thank you so much for all the wonderful tips! I’ve always followed a healthy lifestyle / eating plan, but I have never mastered the meal prep as found it overwhelming- but you have NAILED it for me. I just love it!

        Can you tell me how you store the soup portions? Is it in mason jars and that’s one serving? Or do you keep a big pot of soup on the stove?

        Also how do you store the tofu eggs? In a glass container? How long do they keep for?

        Can’t wait to get prepping! Thank you.

    • Singdiva says:

      2 cups water, 12c vinegar,.juice of 1 lemon. Spray fruit ,let rest 5 minutes ,rinse and use.Vinegar gets the pestasides and lemon is atimicrobial Great combo.Found at SimpleyLive.

  • Carla Brewster says:

    I love your website and all the great information you share!

    • Kristen says:

      Thank you so much, Carla!! I’m glad you’re finding the posts helpful!!

  • Deborah Conklin says:

    Just started this week!! Was thinking Wow–this is going to take a lot of work. Now with all your tips I can see myself being WAAAAY more organized. Thanks for the great info!!

    • Kristen says:

      Yay Deborah!!! Congrats on starting your health journey!

      I’m so glad you found this post helpful, makes me so happy!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Val says:

    I’m two weeks into the Eat to Live program and your website is so helpful! Thanks for sharing all your great recipes and info!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Val! Oh I’m SO glad it has been helpful!

      Thank you so much for leaving your feedback! Make sure to subscribe to our weekly updates–I have a lot more to share!!

      xo, Kristen

  • jess s. says:

    this site is like having that go to friend for support and encouragement.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Jess!! That is the sweetest comment I have ever received!! That is exactly what I want this place to be for you!

      Thanks so much!

      Xo, Kristen

  • Anonymous says:

    I just discovered your site and I have to say this is the most helpful and thorough post on meal prep and eating healthy! It’s very detailed without being overwhelming. Thank you!

    • Kristen says:

      Yay!! I’m SO glad you found it helpful!! xo, Kristen

  • Denise says:

    I read eat to live a year ago. It seemed so over whelming. I own two gymnastic schools so I work all the time. I stumbled across your site. THANK YOU!! The pictures of food and the prepped food and fridge made it seem a lot easier. I printed the shopping list, added the glass containers and starting prep day tomorrow before work.

    I’m also prepping enough for my mom for the week.

    Thank you!!!’

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Denise!

      YAY!! I’m so glad you gave it another go!! I agree about feeling overwhelmed in the beginning that’s why I made this guide to make it easier! I’m so excited that it has been helpful for you and I am working on 5 more weeks of food preps to come, so be sure to sign up for emails!

      Please stop by again and let us know how your prepping routine is going!

      xo, Kristen

  • Robyn says:

    Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I adore your website! I did an eat to live 6 week challenge two years ago but I cheated too much and didn’t continue eating that wayou after it was done. I did lose 13 lbs and it stayed off for a long while, but I have gained it all back.

    I am on day 3 of my new challenge and I am going to eat like this forever! Your site has so much inspiration for ideas.

    Thank you!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Robyn!

      Wow, I am SO happy that this has helped re-inspire you to adopt a Nutritarian lifestyle!

      If you ever need anything or just need someone to talk to please message me through the “Contact” page!

      Wishing you all the best!

      XO, Kristen

  • whitney says:

    What compressor can you recommend for spraying the roasting veggies?

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Whitney!

      It’s called “Misto” and it’s an aluminum can! I will put a link up in the article too!

      Thank so much!

      xo, Kristen

  • Carol says:

    What great ideas…I will be starting this weekend with the food prep. I also found the edamame noodles at Costco…but they are made in China????

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Carol!

      Yay!! I’m so glad you will be joining in on food prep Sundays!!

      Yes, they are from China 🙁 It is certainly not ideal for me either. They say they are organic but knowing how extremely polluted China’s air has become, it’s not really reassuring.

      So, this is my reasoning on the issue: I’ve eaten lots of very, very bad for me processed foods with synthetic and carcinogenic ingredients in my lifetime. These noodles have one ingredient, not from the best of sources but they are certified organic. Compared to the many fast food, processed, fried, covered-in-sugar Frankenstein foods I’ve had in my lifetime, these noodles really aren’t as bad. I try to limit to having them once a week.

      Unfortunately, there is no way to have 100% perfect food (free of pesticides etc…) but I guarantee you that eating a whole food diet is as close as you can get!

      Thanks so much for your comment and I’m so excited for you to start prepping!

      xo, Kristen

  • fcc says:

    Thank you for all of this info. I am in the planning stages of trying to adopt an “Eat to Live” type of diet and this site is really helping me think about the preparation part of this. I do have a couple of questions if you don’t mind:
    1. I notice that you have some large store bought containers of organic greens. I know most of those are pre-washed. I’m curious if you plop those right in your salads or go through an extra step of rinsing or washing?
    2. Also, when you pre-chop greens such as a head of lettuce, do you chop, then wash, then store? When I do this I seem to have trouble drying them thoroughly enough and they become soggy while sitting in the fridge.
    3. And then finally, do your store all your chopped greens in on container i.e. kale, romaine lettuce, spinach, or do you have a separate container for each?
    I apologize if these are rookie type questions, but I’m a rookie! Thank you so much for the information you share on this site!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi there!

      So excited that you are adopting the Eat to Live lifestyle and I’m so happy that MMTM is helping you along your health journey!!

      1. Yes, those are pre-washed mixed greens I buy in bulk from Costco. I don’t do any additional washing!
      2. When I pre-chop iceberg or Romain lettuce I wash them first, then chop, then put them in a container or plastic baggy with one or two napkins to absorb moisture. The napkins really help, but I would advise only using the crispier lettuces. Red oak and such will probably stay soggy!
      3. I prefer baggies for lettuces and kale. I store them as outlined in 2!

      These are NOT rookie questions, these are very important questions!! When youa re ready to start this you will want to be as organized as possible–getting all these details nailed down will only make you that much more successful at this lifestyle!!

      Please check back in with us and share your progress on Dr. Fuhrman’s plan!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Jennifer says:

    This is so so helpful. Thank you so much, I cant wait to try all of these and your yummy salad dressings. I love all the tips and tricks, really helpful and inspiring. Amazing, thank you!!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Jennifer! Yay!! I’m so glad you found this post helpful!

      These are two of my favorite dressings, so I hope you love them just as much!

      xo, Kristen

  • Kate says:

    I recently retired from the treadmill, and although I find it easier to food shop/prep at a slower pace, I still need structure and a food plan!
    I was working out regularly, but am presently waiting knee surgery which means I am getting little exercise. I decided this would be a great time to focus on healthy eating/weight loss. Your ideas here are GOLD! I was off course a bit, and love your practical, sensible take charge ideas.
    I will be following you, and wanted to thank you!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Kate!

      Welcome to MMTM! Yay! I’m so, so happy you are finding this food prep plan useful! I’m planning on expanding on this so stay tuned!

      xo, Kristen

  • Pam says:

    Kristen…so glad I found your site…full of optimism, great tips and an always welcome positive encouragement. I have been researching and trying to figure out how to plan for a busy week without taking a month to plan…and your blog has been an incredible help. Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm and your ‘tips’…
    Thank you – Pam

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Pam!

      Wow, thank you so very much for such kind words! I love blogging and sharing, so it truly warms my heart!

      This article is one that I’m most proud of and I’m SO glad it is helping you!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Anonymous says:

    Wow!!! This is amazing. I was feeling overwhelmed and this really gives me confidence to get started! Thank you!

    • Kristen says:

      Yay!! That is what I like to hear! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Lys says:

    This is HANDS DOWN the BEST blog post EVER!!! Thank you!!

    • Kristen says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Lys!! So glad you are enjoying the blog!

      xo, Kristen

  • Teri Alderson says:

    I agree with Lys, BEST BLOG EVER! Where have you been all my life??? I think I love you. I became aware of ETL last year and was all energized and motivated by the info. I got on the plan, lost 13 pounds in one week, 0 the next and 0 the next and then my hubby came home from work frantic with a bag of groceries to make burgers (like a crack-head, seriously) because he couldn’t take it any more. Not to blame my husband, but I lost my motivation and went back to the SAD diet. I’ve gained some more weight and now have additional health issues and really need to get back on the ETL plan which seems so daunting. Your blog is super helpful and takes much of the apprehension away. THANK YOU!

    • Kristen says:


      This lifestyle is not easy! It takes time and it takes you seeing that eating SAD is waaay more painful and detrimental than the few minutes of the high you feel from eating it!

      For someone like me who has struggled with emotional eating and overeating, it has been a godsend but I have still fallen off the plan. The most important thing you can do is never give up on your health!

      Get up, get back in that saddle and go longer this time! Concentrate on eating a large salad for lunch and dinner before you hit your hot dish! You can do this!!

      Also, print out the monthly calendar in this post–it helps you to focus on all the times you eat on the plan, so you don’t feel like you have to be all or nothing!

      xo, Kristen

  • Teri Alderson says:

    What are tofu eggs? Where do you find them? They look just like regular eggs, I maybe able to get my family to switch!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Teri!

      Tofu eggs are a simple recipe that is really easy to make! You can find my tofu egg recipe here!

      I hope you give them a try–they are my absolute favorite for an extra-hearty, savory breakfast!

      xo, Kristen

  • Debbie Burkey says:

    I feel like I’ve won the lottery by finding your blog! I have just discovered “Eat to Live” and was researching in order to get started. You have answered countless questions and saved me countless steps in getting a “process” in place. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I am so excited to get going and now I can dive right in with the help of your guide!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Debbie!

      Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment and also for your very lovely Facebook post!

      I’m so excited for you and wish you all the success in the world on your nutritarian journey!

      xo, Kristen

  • Cheryl-Ann K. Elie says:

    Hi Kristen,

    Thank you thank you thank you !!!!!!!!!!!! for this website it’s invaluable to the clueless as we start. Your pics, breakdown of the day you have no idea what you do and how you are changing people like me to not feel like there losing out on something not eating meat. I have the Dr. Fuhrman book Eat to Live and have read it but your website is my helpmate. 🙂

    I’ve been really bucking against following this lifestyle since I have like over 100 lbs to lose and I lost it once and gained it all back. But after much deliberation, and I deliberated because so many people lose weight without cutting meat out of their diet and all the artificial stuff. But, with all that said I’m gonna try this way.

    My question is do you have some spices you can recommend to always have on hand. Where do you purchase Costco ? Thanks for the help

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Cheryl-Ann!

      Yay! I’m so, so happy you found the blog and that it’s helping you take the plunge!

      You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by cutting out the meat, I promise! Just wait till you see how it feels to be a nutritarian! Around the 2 to 3 week mark you’re going to know how good it feels for your stomach not to be digesting meat, dairy and processed food; and you’re going to love how this is “get up and go” food! It actually makes me more productive and active!

      Lol! It’s so funny that you asked about spices! My next big article is going to be “The Eat to Live Pantry,” I’m working on it right now and it’s slated to be published on August 25th–so stay tuned! It will have a full pantry tour and a printable pantry list. Until then, here’s what I recommend to start:

      – nutritional yeast (read here about the best brand to get–you don’t want fortified)
      – liquid aminos (this is a soy sauce substitute)
      – garlic powder
      – cumin
      – no-salt seasoning (yes, I use the one from Costco–you can find a link to it here)
      – parsley, dill, thyme — these are all good for roasting veggies and some dressing recipes
      – ground ginger, curry powder, coriander — these are nice in Asian-inspired dishes like un-fried rice and lentil stew

      I do my bulk shopping at Costco, but I also frequent Trader Joe’s and Sprouts!

      Hope this helps and be on the look out for the pantry post later this month!

      xo, Kristen

  • Taxi says:

    You are so inpirational!! Thank you! I just moved and dont really have a workable kitchen yet. Also, i am on a strict budget. Any suggestions for a very inexpensive and simple way to get started?

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Taxi!

      Yay! Congrats on your move and starting your nutritarian journey!

      The simplest way to do this is to have GBOMBS – greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds. Get 2 or 3 heads of lettuce (cheaper than buying pre-washed), make a bag of brown rice for the week (you can have up to 1 cup a day), get a bag or a few cans of black beans, garbanzo beans, whatever you like most. Saute some mushrooms and onions with low sodium veggie stock ans alt-free seasoning. Steam 2 to 3 heads of kale for the week and eat everyday. Add the beans and seeds to your lettuce for a simple salad and top with vinegars.

      Once your budget opens up, add in more fresh veggies to put in your salads, and fresh and frozen fruits.

      This is a great and inexpensive way to start–fabulous question!

      xo, Kristen

  • BrendaK says:

    Wow! Your site is amazing! What work you have put into this… and to share it all with us! I have been on ETL for most of 2016, just following the concepts but not a strict plan until 7 weeks ago. I have lost about 7 lbs but think it would be awesome to lose 20 to get down to the 115 ETL says I should be. And my cute husband has Parkinsons and he wants to join me to give it everything he’s got to turn this beast around. So we are all in. Although I need to feed him alot because he is skinny, we want to make this work. So thank you so so much for offering your experience and expertise. I wanna give you a big hug! ! !

  • Lara says:

    Thank you so much for this blog! What a wonderful help. You break down the Eat to Live plan in a way that seems very doable. I feel empowered and encouraged. Thank you again,, Kristen.

  • Brook says:

    I am so happy to have found you on Pinterest. I am on my second day of the Eat to Live lifestyle and I feel like I’m going to throw up. I am going to do this but am having a hard time right now. Cold veggies, warm veggies, smoothies with spinach and fruit, oh boy. I made the anti cancer soup and it made a ton and since I didn’t have a juicer I shredded the ingredients, the texture was horrible and I can barely think of it without “throwing up in my mouth”. So that is where I am, how did you do it. Did you feel like this. I need to do this for my health and weight, so challenging. Plan to buy the cookbook soon. Thanks again for your inspiration.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Brook!

      Lol! It certainly sounds like you’re having a rough start to your nutritarian lifestyle! I completely understand!

      I kept a journal of my first 6 weeks that you can read here. I tell the truth, and hell yes it was hard!

      The good news is it will never be as hard for you as it is right now! Your taste buds and (most importantly) your mind are going through major changes, it’s going to take time to reset.

      You will develop skills to make practicing this lifestyle easier–I promise it will get better!

      Read my journals and I am here, reach out to me again if you need help!

      xo, Kristen

  • Karen says:

    Hi I just wanted to say this blog and your instagram page are incredibly inspiring. I am excited to try out everything you have suggested. Your salad recipes are amazing I cannot wait to try them out. I really have struggled to come up with salad and dressing ideas so thank you so much I cant wait to get started.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Karen!

      So nice to meet you, and thank you so much for your very kind words!

      Salads and dressings are my #1 fave and I love sharing them!

      xo, Kristen

      • Kristen says:

        Hi juniper,

        Yes, you can make this recipe the night before, and the potatoes tasted great up to day 4 after cooking!

        Nothing special you have to do, just put them in a storage container and store in fridge!

        xo, Kristen

  • Kathy says:

    I just discovered your blog and am so excited to get started with your suggestions! Here I’ve been failing at ETL because I’ve been so intimidated but you have really made it super easy and workable. I work 60-hour weeks, this will cut down so much of my time in the kitchen during the week.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Kathy!

      Yay! I’m so , so happy you found the site and you are finding the content helpful!

      You’ve got this! It takes some extra effort to put yourself first but the rewards are life-changing!

      Wishing you the absolute best and I am here for you!

      xo, Kristen

  • Brandy says:

    Wow! Thank you for sharing this incredible wealth of information. We just received Dr. Fuhrman’s Eat to Live Plan and are committed to this change in our lives. Your post has taken away a lot of anxiety over how to even start this process. I will be downloading your printables and following your suggestions. Thank you, again!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Brandy!

      So happy to hear about your nutritarian journey beginning! Yes!! I love knowing that the site is helping people like you have a better transition into this way of life! Thanks so much for taking the time to say hi!

      Wishing you and your husband all the very best!

      xo, Kristen

  • Bob says:


    Thanks for a great site. I love the meal prep suggestions. I have a question about red onions. I love them on my salads, and they help me get my O in my GBOMBS, but I have a prep issue. When I opened my fridge, I was over powered by their smell.
    How do suggest storing them (red onions) after prepping / chopping ?


    • Kristen says:

      Hi Bob!

      So happy to hear you are loving the site!! So, with red onions I always keep them in a glass food container. I’ve had a lot of luck with the pint-sized mason jars for this too. Are you using glass?


  • Dora Hernandez says:

    Thank you for the 7 Day Cleanse Ebook! I am excited to begin following it as the salads look delicious and so do the dressings!

  • Stefani says:

    I am feasting on your blog. You are such a blessing. I have struggled my whole life with food, weight and suspected sicknesses. Allergies are among the troubles. I do have some questions. 1. isn’t tofu a processed food? 2. What is a girl to do if brown rice bloats the tummy? Could this be years of unhealthy eating and mixing the two? Will this problem possibly disappear? Rice is a favorite food. 3. Is there a white rice that is ok on the nutritarian plan?
    I am already changing many things in my pantry and fridge. I never liked most veggies and at that without ranch dressing. I am exploring all my new options for a healthy life and am so glad I have found you.

    • Kristen says:

      Welcome Stefani!

      I’m so happy you found the site!! Tofu is a processed food but it’s not “processed” in the way that we’re used to–meaning there is no adding fat, sugar or salt. Dr. Fuhrman has a wonderful article about soy and tofu you can read here!

      I wouldn’t blame brown rice for the bloating until you clear everything else off the table. I know dairy really bloats me but I didn’t realize it until I had done the 6-week plan and then had dairy after. Don’t do white rice on the plan, opt for quinoa instead–you want those intact fibers!

      Not everyone will like veggies, I go over this a lot in my ebook, but you have to “practice” eating veggies. Even if you start off with 2 to 4 bites of raw, fresh veggies at each meal and up your portions from there, you can get there!

      I’m so happy you are here!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Nancy says:

    This is Awesomely Life changing! Now to figure out how to share my fridge with my Carnivore husband! PLEASE put this out in Real Book form, for those of us who have limited access to computer & internet services! 🙂

  • Stefanie says:

    oh my god, i love how it looks OCD everywhere in your kitchen! would totally be my thing if i wouldn’t live in a shared apartment with two messy guys haha 😉
    well, sometime! thanks so much for inspiring us everyday!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Stephanie!

      Lol, I’m only OCD cause I’m in charge (bua ha ha)!

      My kiddos call me “the food boss” lol!

      Wow sharing an apartment with two guys is not ideal! Thanks so much for stopping by on the blog!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Claudia says:

    Hi Kristin,
    Love your posts! I just discovered Dr. Fuhrman’s plan and I am slowly starting to eat this way. My husband is willing to try it with me but we are not sure how to approach this with our 10 year old son. Do you have any suggestions? Do your kids eat the nutritarian way?

  • Claudia says:

    Had the wrong email listed. This one is correct.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Caludia!

      So happy you found the site and you’re finding it helpful!

      I have an 8-year-old and a 4-year-old and they are not nutritarians. They eat lots of fresh veggies and fruits but they still have animal products. We just make our home veggie-centric. They have to eat their salad first (but the portion is small), they have at least 2 vegan dinners weekly, and we avoid sugar and processed sweets–they have fruit and nicecream. Recently they went dairy-free (which I am most happy about)!

      It’s a work in progress.

      My hope is as they get older I will help them adopt more of the nutritarian lifestyle so by the time they are in high school we are all eating the same meal!

      Dr. Fuhrman always says: “Put your oxygen mask on first and they your family’s!” That’s what I’ve done and I’ve found it worked best for me!

      xo, Kristen

  • Pam says:

    This is amazing. Wish I could be even 10% as organised as you. I mainly follow a soup, juicing and salad lifestyle though do have oils. Will look at this more closely when I have more time. The only thing I wouldn’t do though is use foil or a microwave. Thanks for your inspiration.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Pam!

      Thanks so much for leaving a comment!

      I’ve heard that juicing is amazing for your health! I’m a smoothie-lover!

      I’ve heard about issues with the microwave–when my kiddos are a bit older I may be able to finally wean myself 😉

      xo, Kristen

  • Mardelle thomas says:

    Hi. Your website is AMAZING ! I need a substitute for ranch dressing packets. Help!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Mardelle!

      So happy you like the site and I have an awesome Tofu Ranch dressing recipe here!

      Sorry I don’t have a dressing packet recipe per se because they use powdered buttermilk. If you have a high speed blender, I’d definitely recommend you trying the tofu ranch recipe and if you want it a little richer just add 1/4 cup raw cashews!

      xo, Kristen

  • Adeola Agboola says:

    Dear Kirsten, I have been reading your Eat to Live Food Prep Guide. It is very informative, but I have a few queries. You listed beets as being one of the veggies that can be prepped & stored in the fridge, but can they be eaten raw? or do they have to be cooked first and then stored & utilised when needed? Garbanzo beans for hummus, when rinsed & washed, how long can they be stored in the fridge for? Can all the homemade dressings, be kept in the fridge for up to a week? You say that it’s advisable to make two dressings for the week, the no oil beet dressing keeps for up to 10 days in the fridge, but you didn’t say the keep time for a few others that i’m interested in! How long can homemade sauces & hummus be kept in the fridge too?
    Also, can tahini be made at home by blending sesame seeds in a nutri bullet? Can prepared fresh leafy greens/veggies be put into bags & frozen, then later blitzed for smoothies/juices. I have a number of my own smoothie recipes where the ingredients are veggies and I’m not sure about prepping them to save time. Last but not least Kirsten, what is liquid aminos? I live in the United Kingdom and i’m not sure what this is. Thanks Adeola.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Adeola!

      Yes, greens can be washed and frozen to add into smoothies and soups later! All of the dressings and sauces on my site keep for at least a week in GLASS storage containers–I use Mason jars. I can’t give you exact store times for garbanzos because it depends on what you’re storing them in, if you go with glass your produce will always last longer!

      Making your own Tahini in a Nutribullet would require some oil to get it smooth–since the nutritarian lifestyle doesn’t permit oil, I would go with store-bought tahini without oil. You could certainly use a food processor to make nut and seed butters!

      Liquid Aminos is a soy sauce substiute. I’ve recently switched to Coconut Aminos because it has even less sodium than liquid aminos. If you can’t find it in the UK, just dilute soy sauce 1 part soy sauce to 2 parts water!

      Wishing you the best!

      xo, Kristen

  • Maggie says:

    Hi Kristen,
    I am so happy to find you. I have spent all day today on your site reading everything I can. I have Fibromyalgia and I feel this way of eating will help me. You are so inspiring. I need all the help I can get.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Maggie!

      So, so happy you found the site and you’re finding it helpful!!

      I’m here for you make sure to reach out if you need anything!

      xo, Kristen

  • Cathy Schwenkmeyer says:

    Kristen you are such a blessing!!!! Your site has given me the encouragement to do this! I have talked about this with my husband for a year now but have been overwhelmed. Thank you for all the time you put in to help and encourage others! Cathy

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Cathy!

      Yay!! That makes me so, so happy to hear that the site has been helpful in getting you back on track!!

      My absolutely pleasure to share and help!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Oreo says:

    Hi i have been to many blogs. I’m really struggling to get enough calories in.
    I thank so much people like you who make it easier for people to get into the lifestyle.

    I have to use two slice of rye bread and two slice of wheat bread, lots of oats, sweetcorn etc to get those extra calories but have noticed sugar spikes.
    How do these types of meals e.g. greens (40Kcal), Banana (69Kcal) Mango. It seems imposible to meet 2400Kcal maintenance.
    Every Youtube they seem to eat around 1200kcal with some having a salad and soup but the calories seem silly for a meal i don’t understand.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hell there, so nice to meet you!

      If you’re not looking to lose weight and need to maintain 2400 calories daily, you can still follow the Eat to Live lifestyle, you just want to get in more concentrated calories.

      For instance, add nuts and especially seeds to every meal. When you eat fruit like bananas and mango sprinkle them with raw hemp seed, flax seed and dip them in raw un-salted almond butter. If you’re having your greens add in this cashew “cheese” sauce with some black beans, pico de gallo and corn for a mexican-inspired dish. Add in an additional cup of whole grains daily.

      Making these changes will help you meet those calories! Dr. Fuhrman helps Olympic athletes train on a nutritarian lifestyle, it’s about eating all the salads, greens, beans and fruit but adding more concentrated calories from raw nuts, seeds and grains!

      xo, Kristen

  • Sara says:

    I’ve also recently found the Mason Jar love 🙂 I picked one up at the dollar store because I needed a larger cup to put my green smoothies in and it’s so much fun to use it (my kids think I’m crazy lol). I need to get some more for fridge storage-never would have thought of that, thanks!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Sara, big YAS!!! on giant Mason jar smoothies!!!! xo, Kristen

  • Terry says:

    Hey Kristen! I’m definitely a “newbie.” Just purchased book online so I haven’t even received it. Are you able to drink a morning coffee on this plan or is coffee a no-no? Thank you!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Terry!

      Thank you so much for your purchase! I just sent you an email about it because it should have been sent to you automatically as a digital download!

      I don’t drink coffee–but I’ve never been a coffee drinker! My mom has 1 cup a day on the plan and is still losing weight! Dr. Fuhrman advises against it as it is a stimulant that can disrupt sleep & hunger cues!

      xo, Kristen

  • Lisa says:

    I would love for someone to find a way to do this with a European fridge; they’re much much smaller and not usually as cold, either, so storing this much food for this long is not possible. :/

  • Amanda Zoghby says:

    Hey Kristen!

    If we have previously purchased the book , do we get updated versions as they are released?


    Amanda Z.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Amanda!

      Yes! You are grand-fathered in for any updates! As of now I have a major update scheduled for the end of the year where I’ll be adding two more weeks to the program–woot woot! You will be emailed the updated version to the email address you supplied at checkout!

      Are you in the Facebook Support Group yet? If not, here is the link: Link to group:

      xo, Kristen

  • Carrie says:

    Hi – I just stumbled on your blog and I am so thankful! I have been a fan of Dr. Fuhrman’s for a long time and have made some attempts over the years to adopt a nutritarian lifestyle for me and my family! BUT life gets busy and it is super easy to fall back into quick solutions and old habits. As a homeschool mom of three crazy boys, I know that I need to plan ahead in order to be successful in achieving the goals I have for my family. So I have spent a good portion of the day looking up recipes, meal planners, cleaning checklist, etc. getting ready for our school year to start on Monday. It actually gave me brain freeze and eyes went blurry with all the options out there….so I left the computer went for some errands and when I came back…I found you! Thank you for putting this out and reminding me that it can be SIMPLE and DOABLE. Thank you for all of the tools you have made available…it so helps to have checklists and step by steps to get started! I am really looking forward to completing the 6 week challenge and getting back my health so I can better serve my family and my God. THANK YOU!

  • Bruce M says:

    Kristen, I just finished by two day prep starting Monday I will do the 6 week program. I have one question is the Hemp Tofu Ranch dressing supposed to be bitter tasting, not much but still bitter aftertaste?

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Bruce!

      So happy you have started prepping!! Yes, the Hemp Tofu Ranch can have an aftertaste especially if you’re not used to eating without added salt, sugar and oil (these are particularly common in dressings).

      Also hemp seeds can taste a little on the bitter side for some palates. If it’s bothering you too much I would add in some more nutritional yeast!

      Have you joined the Facebook support group yet?


  • Michelle says:

    Hi Kristen,
    I read Dr. Fuhrman’s book, “Eat To Live” several years ago after I quit eating meat 8 years ago. His book changed my life. As a lifelong runner, I have always been healthy, but the power of food eluded me. I still ate animal products but very sparingly but over the last 8 years I seem to have forgotten why I quit eating meat in the first place. Recently, a coworker of mine watched a documentary about healthy choices and decided her and her husband would try “vegan” for two weeks; well, she inspired me. I immediately watched the same documentary and I too, went “vegan” for two weeks…my husband and roommate (true to the bone carnivores) also ate vegetarian for the same two weeks. It was a complete eye opener for all of us; that was six weeks ago. They eat vegan at home as I am the cook and they only eat animals and animal products very sparingly now for their other meals. That is when I came across your Pinterest posts. For the last two weeks I have explored, and memorized your Pinterest page and your page and have been eating nutritarian. I am hooked! I have never felt better!! What a wonderful service you perform and I just wanted to say thank you! I have downloaded all your recipes (each one surprises me more than the last with bursting flavors), all of your prep posts, and your checklists and menu planning guides…I even did the salad detox for the last two weeks! This evening I received your email about hummus and am looking forward to incorporating that one into the fold as well. Thank you again!


    The Nutritarian for life,

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Welcome Michelle!

      WOW!! I cannot thank you enough for sharing your journey with me!

      I am so, so very happy to hear that you are enjoying your nutritarian lifestyle and “have never felt better.” That feeling right there is what hooked me and has kept me at this!!

      You don’t know how wonderful it is to hear that the site has been helping you on your journey!! Thank you, thank you for taking the time to reach out and let me know your experience!!

      If you haven’t already, be sure to connect on Facebook–it would be wonderful to have your perspective shared with others who are struggling to make the change!

      xo, Kristen

  • Shawna | That's Called Life says:

    Hi Kristen,
    I love this post of yours! It’s so inspiring, I’m sure I’ve read at least 3 to 4 times in the past couple months. And, to be honest the past couple weeks or so I’ve been lacking healthy green veggies in my diet…and meal prepping during the weekends. I’m a stay at home mom so I don’t always feel the need to prep food on the weekend, because I’m home all day anyways. But, when I worked outside of the home I used to love prepping my food for the week; it helped keep me sane and feel organized and in control.
    It’s so nice how you have recommended foods linked to the recipes on this post, it makes meal planning and writing out a grocery list so much easier. I’ve already tried (and am in love with) the split pea and sweet potato soup you mentioned in this post. I have it a week out of every month. And, the idea of having two salads a day sounds a little strange to me, but I think I may try it this next week and see how it goes. For the past few months I’ve been trying to up my produce intake to 8-10 a day.
    Thank you so much for putting this post up and organized so nicely. Makes my life a ton easier…and it makes eating better easier as well. No going from a meal prep post to pinterest for meal ideas and so on.


  • Linda says:

    Has anyone come up with a recipe to make the Matozest seasoning that is in so many of Dr Furman’s recipes? Love your site helps so much in making this a lifestyle.

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Linda!

      I was just going to reply back to your inquiry about the Mato and Veggie zests!

      I have personally not made any recipes with these ingredients yet, but I did purchase them after trying recipes that used them at Dr. Fuhrman’s Culinary Getaway!

      I plan on experimenting with them in the beginning of next year (I’ll be busy the next few months revising the ebook!), so stay tuned!

      So happy to hear you’re finding the site helpful on your nutritarian journey!! I love hearing that!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Jessica C says:

    Hi, thank you so much for your website. I NEED guides because I overthink everything and guides helps me to stay on path. So, I had missed the part about purchasing glass and so at the container store yesterday, I purchased all plastic. I skimmed through the comments and did not see where anyone asked you about why the glass containers were better (apologies if I missed it). Would you please indulge me and tell me why glass is better ? I love the glass look and my only issue with glass is that I have a 8 yr old son who LOVES fruits and veggies, especially if they are cut up. He will eat them ALL. Maybe I should use plastic for him and set those aside specifically for him. Now that I am thinking about it…… I should separate my stuff from everyone else. I cannot thank you enough for your articles, I know it was God (Jesus Christ) that led me to your site. So,

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      So wonderful to meet you Jessica!

      I’m so excited for you to start your nutritarian journey!!

      I have found glass to keep my food fresher for longer than when I store in plastic containers. That being said, when I give my kids snacks at school I always give them plastic, so I agree you can do both!

      Wishing you tons of success and health on this plan!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Susan Waterworth says:


    Thank you so much for the energy, inspiration and knowledge you have lavished on us with your blog and Pinterest page (and I just clicked on the Facebook support page – yahoooooooooo). I truly appreciate your efforts on behalf of those of us trying to get our nutrition act together.

    I laughed when I read the comment above about your OCD fridge and pantry organization. Like everyone else I am completely in love with those images and ideas. Again – thank you for sharing.

    I LOVE the idea of prepping (cutting and storing) veggies, etc. for the week, but have read multiple sources that say that such advance prep results in significant nutrient loss. What’s your take on that?

    Thank you again for your generosity in sharing your experience,


  • Natalie says:

    Hi Kristen!

    I love your site and am excited to start the 6 week plan on 1/2. I signed up for the newsletter but didn’t seem to get the free ebook. Is it possible to get it now?

    Thank you and Happy New Year!

  • Jenny says:

    I just finished week one of Eat To Live. I’m down 9lbs and feel great. Thank you for all the food prep ideas! I feel super inspired to get my prep on tomorrow!

  • Amanda says:

    HI, Kristen. I could not be happier to have found your site and will be adamant in following it from here on out. As a considerably obese woman who has had type 2 diabetes for over two decades and been insulin-dependent for over one decade, I have spent the majority of my life living as unhealthily as possible. It just so happens that I was at my local library yesterday and found a copy of Dr. Fuhrman’s The End of Diabetes. Curious, I checked it out and a few hours later, after having completed reading most of the volume, I piled my three girls into our car and hightailed it to the nearest grocery store to stock up on Nutritarian foods. My dinner last night was a lovely salad comprised of kale, turnip greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, and mushrooms. For dessert, I had a pear.
    This morning when I awakened, I checked my fasting blood sugars as normal and found, much to my immense surprise, that it had dropped almost 200 milligrams per deciliter from the previous day’s fasting number. WOW! Moreover, after having had a few Nutritarian meals now, I find that I genuinely do get full from these meals and I am simply blown away! Eager to be ever more informed, I began searching online and immediately found you here. You’re such a blessing and I am so grateful that you have provided these resources for everyone!
    My endocrinologist is working with me as I adapt to this new and beautiful lifestyle and, coupled with your help, I know that I can do this and not only will I do it, but I’ll grow to absolutely love it!

    • Monika Behr says:

      Amanda, I was reading the comments and wondering how you are progressing. Hoping all is well. I have a friend who has had Type 2 for a very long time.

  • Brynn says:

    First I have to say, Thank you for all your information.
    I have tried eating this way more times then I can count, over the years. . . . This is the first time I can actually see us maintaining. My husband is on board which makes life easier. But my question for you is what do you prepare for your kids? I gotta figure out that equation to make this a life style.

  • Malondy says:

    I have found my home, here with this blog! It has really helped me to be prepared for the week. Keep up the good work

  • Tracy Edmunds says:

    Hi there,

    I have tried to be vegan for quite some time and this diet really interests me. The thing that I find hard is that I can’t eat soya products at all and I have to keep my carbs low as I am a chronic migraineur, can you advise how this diet can work for me without me getting bored and not sticking to it?

    Thanks T

  • Sue says:

    Hi Kristen
    You have totally inspired me to have a go. I have been searching for something sustainable for a very long time. And I truly think this could be it. As I am in the UK I have only just found you and the site will not let me subscribe to get your invaluable help in these first few weeks. Some of the things you mention are not available here in the UK – but I have been trying to source them – on a very tight budget. Do you still accept newbies who are a little daunted but excited nevertheless?

  • Diane says:

    Oh Kristen!
    Thank you SO MUCH!!!! You have given me hope that I can really DO this……I’ve long followed Dr Fuhrman, but hadn’t fully implemented the plan for a variety of reasons. I’ve just started recovering from a severe gallbladder attack that put me in the ER with surgery recommended, I want to avoid surgery if I can…..Dr Fuhrman says it can be done…..I just happened across your mayo substitute recipe while trying to find things I can use that are healthy, and here you are, this must be angelic guidance I swear! As I said, you’ve given me hope and basically are “holding my hand” to establish a great fridge layout and weekly meal plan and how to actually accomplish it all…it seemed so daunting to me, and also how to keep things from spoiling too soon… Thank you.

  • Caroline Harris says:

    I am just starting out on your plan, only just finishing week 1 and learning.
    I would like to ask if you have had a spillage from a Sistema Klip it box as mine made a right mess in the bottom of my rucksack and looking online found quite a lot of complaints about them. Took mine back and was told they had had quite a few of the same complaint. Now taking your advice and moving over to glass.

  • TH says:


    Love your site! I have a question. I am allergic to soy. What can I use in place of soy (tofu)?

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:


      You can always replace it with beans!

      xo, Kristen

  • Fran says:

    I don’t think I can have all this prep on hand; I might eat all the rice in one setting, because I have a problem like that in the eating area.

  • CeCe says:

    Wow! This is soooo exciting.
    I have been 75% following Nutritarian lifestyle since this summer and was feeling discouraged that I would never get the full hang of things.
    I believe that your guidelines and clarity will give me the gentle yet vivid structure I need and I will be upping my average in no time!
    Thanks Kristin! You Rock!! 😉

  • Dani says:

    Thank U

  • Gayle says:

    Holy Moly! I sure and glad I found your website! Thank you so much for providing all the recipes, menu plans, information, and just…everything nutritarian! I haven’t even finished the book, ‘Eat to Live’, yet, and I was beginning to get a bit overwhelmed. Your information here is just what I needed to make a real change and go for it. Thank you!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      So lovely to meet you, Gayle!

      Welcome to the wonderful world of nutritarian eating–I’m so glad you’re reading Eat to Live and that you found the site!

      Yes, I know it can feel overwhelming with such a huge degree of change but I can promise you the incredible way you feel is worth all the effort!

      Wishing you a wonderful health journey to come!

      xo, Kristen

  • Libby says:

    How do you store the tofu fingers. I just made them and they are quite tasty.

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Libby!

      You can store them in the fridge (preferably in a glass storage container) for 7 days!

      Reheating the crispy tofu fingers can be tricky. If you want to keep them crispy then place them in the oven at 350 for just a bit!

      xo, Kristen

  • Jess says:

    I’ve tried almost everything on this page and their links. Except anything with tofu cause I can’t. I love the color, the freshness, how you can make such a delicious dressing without using animal products and oil. I won’t be becoming a nutritarian, but I will be using these recipes again and thank you so much for this meal prep idea! It makes me feel so organized and I’m always ready to go with something healthy!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      WOW Jess! Thank you so much for your lovely comment! And I will take it–whatever you want to take from this and works for you sounds great to me!

      Wishing you all the best!

      xo, Kristen

  • Tabitha Marx says:

    Printing out the prepping plan requires using a lot of black ink to get those gray fields on the paper. It looks nice but the gray could be replaced by typical little black check-boxes. I hate wasting my ink on big spaces of un-needed color Just something to think about..

    • Kristen Hong says:

      I always appreciate practical feedback!

      Thanks so much for letting me know, Tabitha!

      xo, Kristen

  • Amanda R Montejano says:

    Good Morning :). Kristen thank you so much for gathering all you’ve learned, organizing it, and then sharing it with the public. Your posts make the nutritarian approach to eating durastically easier to implement. I’m looking forward to changing my eating lifestyle with your help too! I’ve got your books on my wishlist. Looking for those support groups. Thank you

  • Lydia Oliver says:

    I’m so excited about this!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Yay!! So happy to hear that, Lydia!

      xo, Kristen

  • em says:

    where do edamame noodles fit in ‘eat to live’? how much can we have per day?

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hello there! I have a post all about bean pastas here!

      All the best,

  • Nancy Lopez-Ibanez says:

    OK, Hi…I purchased and downloaded the 2nd Edition, the Printable Resources and
    the 7 Day Salad Cleanse, However, As i have been reading the 2nd Edition,
    you refer for example to Noodle Soup Nourish Bowl (RC-48) I have NO CLUE what RC is.
    Have I missed something in the downloads?

  • Michelle says:

    Thank you for the wealth of information! I’m just starting out (and am HUGELY overwhelmed). Question: I thought Dr. Fuhrman disapproves of roasting veggies because of acrylamides?

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Michelle,

      Yes, Dr. Fuhrman doesn’t prefer roasting, broiling, grilling, air frying, real frying or anything that creates too much browning. However, I’ve been to two of his retreats and the chefs always serve some form of roasted veggies because of the depth of flavor it brings. They are often components of dishes and not overly-browned. If you’re concerned just roast at a lower temp and don’t allow them to brown!

      xo, Kristen

  • Robin Grant says:

    I found my way to your site looking for vegetarian meal ideas. So happy I found you! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. I have fridge envy. Mason jars ordered, glass containers ordered. Shopped at Whole Foods today. Totally inspired and will be changing how I do things from now forward.

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Oh I’m SO happy to hear that you’re inspired, Robin!

      You’re going to have so much fun with your new food containers!

      Wishing you all the best on your journey!!

      xo, Kristen

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Robin,

      I’m SO happy to hear that you’re find the site inspiring and I love that you’re starting with a fridge overhaul!!

      All the best,

  • Karen Keck says:

    Hi Kristen,
    I have tried this before but didn’t stick with it. I think with your help via this site I am going to it and get healthy! I am so excited. I do have a question when i eat a pita is it whole wheat and how big?
    Thanks so much for your time to help .

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Karen,

      So happy that you made your way here!

      I typically do the whole pita and depending on the weight in grams it cuts pretty substantially into my 1 cup daily grain allowance.

  • Penny says:

    I look forward to learning lots!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      So happy you made your way here!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      So happy to hear that Penny–glad you made your way here!

  • Jennifer Sikora says:

    This page is missing the link for the silpat pad.

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Jennifer, we are at the mercy of Amazon’s coding and when items go out of stock but it looks like the issue has been resolved now!

  • Jody Whelden says:

    Such a great service to us all. I will come back ad purchase things from you for sure.
    Thanks Jody Wisconsin

    • Kristen Hong says:

      So lovely to hear that, thank you Jody!

  • Jenny says:

    Congratulations on your new book!
    It arrived in my mailbox today and I cannot wait to start reading.

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Jenny,

      Thanks so much for getting Fridge Love and I can’t wait to hear what you think! Email me or send me a message on social!

      xo, Kristen

  • Karen Duffy says:

    You have the missing ingredient for me, Kristin. I’ve been attempting to be a Nutritarian for years & do it in periods when I can just spend all day at it or at least several all days a week. Well, I just can’t muster up the enthusiasm to go thru this again, then gain the weight back too. But I always come back bkz I believe Dr. Fuhrman has the best teachings. But I don’t want my life to be food prepping! I happened on to you way back when you started & were asking for input on what to name this, & then I fell away from the whole thing being a sugar addict too. I do remember doing the 7 day salad cleanse & just doing what you told me, tho I didn’t always like all the recipes, but all I had to do was follow the laid out directions from start to finish. That is what is missing with Dr. F. He has the recipes, the knowledge, but for my personality or type, there is no organized method of manageability. I am currently once again in one of his programs, but just not cutting it this time. Actually, that is literal! Cutting it! Cutting all the veggies up & prepping it all in advance. So when it comes time to eat, I am not ready, & so turn to all the easy bagged, boxed, frozen, & restaurant foods instead. I have plenty of right foods (rotting) in the fridge, just not prepared.
    2 specific questions here before I get started on your hopeful road to a method of having the right foods ready in advance.

    1. Are you saying that you can fix one week’s worth of food in ONE day?
    And still take care of a family, or in my case a widow living alone now but still active?
    I bet it would take me at least 2 days, maybe more for all those items!

    2. You wrote on the sample plan, Saturday food shop, then Sunday “set plan”
    (you mean menu plan?), & food prep.
    Don’t you menu plan BEFORE you shop so you know what to buy?

    I am breathlessly holding off getting your Premium Prep Plan, which I can’t wait, but am first awaiting for your response @k4mediagroup to see what it was I already purchased back when you started. Maybe I lost it? Would it have been an early version of the new one? I just don’t remember. Would I need to buy the update if it is? I changed my email since way back then in case this update was sent to me, unless this is not an update but something new.
    What was the early thing I would have purchased?

    I am so happy you have done all this for us!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Karen,

      I think your feelings on implementing the nutritarian lifestyle are what we all struggle with because you just can’t find ready-made items that fit the guidelines.

      Yes, you did purchase my Prep Program right when it first launched in January 2017–I can’t thank you enough for your amazing support through the years! You have been emailed the most recent version of the program that will walk you through 2-day prep sessions and exactly what to prep and eat on each day! So not to worry, things will get easier again!

      To answer your two questions on this post: (1) this post is for a smaller prep session than the ones I do in the program, so yes it can be done in one day, (2) so the Sunday “set plan” is to decide how you want to break up the steps in your recipes so that you’re maximizing your time in the kitchen (for example: put the veggies to roast in the oven while your soup is simmering. I give all those particulars in the prep scripts in the program so you won’t have to worry!