The Basics

Dr Fuhrman Retreat what to expect culinary getaway what happens at a getawayHere’s everything you’ve ever wanted to know about attending one of Dr. Fuhrman’s retreats!

Because for a long time I was on the outside looking in…

Following Dr. Fuhrman and being a member of his site for over 4 years, you better believe I’d been wanting to attend one of these retreats–badly!

When I discovered that his next destination was going to be Newport Beach, CA, just down-the-road from my sister-in-law’s place, I knew it was my big chance.

And after an absolutely epic launch of my premium prep program I could finally justify the financial splurge and happily make my journey to nutritarian mecca.

And I’m so excited to finally be sharing this experience with you…

Dr Joel Fuhrman Eat to Live Diet Program 6 week plan Culinary getaway retreatThis One Was Different

Dr. Fuhrman’s Culinary Getaway was not like his previous retreats.

For the first time ever, participants would be schooled in cooking nutritarian meals by world-class professional chefs!

The 7-day retreat was centered around over 15 hours of cooking demonstrations and 5 hours of Q&A sessions with Dr. Fuhrman and the presenting chefs.

The amount of knowledge transfer going on, even for an experienced nutritarian like me, was staggering.

Nobody explains the uniqueness of this retreat better than Dr. Fuhrman himself during his June 28th, 2017, interview with Pete Holmes:

“So, next week I’m going to California and I’m running a culinary getaway.  Which I have four world-class chefs coming and we’re going to teach people and give them a chef certification as nutritarian chefs.  So, I have regular people that want good health coming but I also have people coming who run health spas and who have restaurants and who want to cater and cook for other people.  And we’re running this event in California where we’re going to show them how to make all these exotic sauces and recipes and desserts and chocolate mouses and how to make healthy versions.”

After spending the last three years developing recipes for Hello Nutritarian and my prep program, there was nothing more motivating than to learn from the experts…

What happens at a Dr Joel Fuhrman getaway retreatAfter attending Dr. Fuhrman’s Culinary Getaway, it’s safe to say that you can expect four things from one of his retreats.

You can expect lots of:

  1. Dr. Fuhrman
  2. learning
  3. fabulous food
  4. friends & community

The retreat greatly-surpassed my expectations, and trust me, my expectations were already ridiculously high.

Oh my goodness, THE. FOOD.  And we’re going to get into all of that goodness, I promise (I literally took pictures of every single meal)!

But, beyond a doubt, the chance to meet Dr. Fuhrman in person is what completely sent my excitement over the edge…

Dr Joel Fuhrman Eat to Live The End of Dieting The End of Diabetes The End of Heart Disease Culinary Retreat Meeting Dr. Fuhrman in person Hello NutritarianFace-to-Face Furhman

This man cares.

And it’s not a facade or just “good business.”

It’s a genuine passion for sharing the science of how we can all lead our best lives.

He’s passionate, involved and a remarkably-engaging presenter.

As a doctor he’s a problem-solver, a critical thinker and definitely brusk when it comes to letting you know if you’re not living up to your full potential!  After all, when a man dedicates his life to health excellence, that’s going to be a man with serious expectations.

Our Personal Meeting

The first 100 people to register for the Culinary Getaway got to have a 15-minute one-on-one session with Dr. Fuhrman.

You better believe that was a huge reason why I registered to attend.

These meetings were meant to be about discussing your specific health issues but I only had one mission heading into that meeting: To tell Dr. Fuhrman how his work had changed my life, inspired my passion and that I was someone who was out there actively supporting his work.

Our appointment was set for the first day of the retreat.

We talked about his daughters, I showed him my weight and blood numbers through the years and how they had improved over time, and I let him know that his work inspired me to create Hello Nutritarian and thanked him for recently posting one of my fridge pics on his Instagram account.

He told me I still had work to do to reach my ideal weight (which for Dr. Fuhrman is a BMI under 23) and he gave me personalized advice for my supplement strategy.

Dr. Fuhrman Throughout the Retreat

Dr. Fuhrman makes himself incredibly available to getaway participants.

He led two 7:00 AM workouts and he seemed to be at every presentation (even when he wasn’t the one presenting).  He would personally announce our meals, talk to people throughout his meals, and sign books and talk to participants at every turn.

In fact, the only times he wasn’t around was when he had one-on-one appointments.  And he ended up accommodating personal meetings for all the retreat participants not just the first 100 of us who registered to attend!

I couldn’t help but be impressed by a man who could have delegated-out many of these responsibilities during a week-long event.  To be so ever-present was truly a testament to his sincere passion for changing people’s lives.

Dr. Fuhrman’s Presentations:

Along with numerous Q&A session throughout the retreat (where I was furiously scribbling down every word he said), Dr. Fhurman led us through 4 presentations and demonstrations.

Highlights from Dr. Fuhrman’s Presentations:

  • Why A Nutritarian Diet: This was an overview of the lifestyle that incorporated ideas and studies from his books along with a few newer insights.
  • Secrets of Nutritarian Cooking: A presentation where Dr. Fuhrman explained how to put the nutritarian guidelines into practice in your daily life.  Focused on his favorite simple recipes and routines for success.
  • Trending Nutritarian Ingredients and Techniques: A cooking demonstration where Dr. Fuhrman showed us how to use specialty ingredients and techniques including: tempeh, aquafaba, chia seeds, agar agar and dehydrating.

But the spectacular knowledge transfer didn’t stop with Dr. Fuhrman.  He assembled the ultimate panel of nutritarian chefs to teach and inspire us even more…

Dr Fuhrman Culinary Getaway Newport Beach the chefsThe Experts

Long before Dr. Fuhrman’s Culinary Getaway began these four experts came together to create an absolutely epic retreat menu and flesh out massively-helpful presentations and cooking demonstrations.

The beauty was we would learn and watch each chef in action during their presentations and then we’d get to eat many of those same recipes in our daily meals.

Each chef/presenter brought their own unique brand of nutritarian living, sharing both casual and refined cooking styles.

Dr. Fuhrman Culinary Getaway Chef James Rohrbacher nutritarian chefChef James Rohrbacher

Chef James Rohrbacher was the head chef for our entire event.

He’s worked with Dr. Fuhrman for years, creating recipes for his books and handling the cooking for many of his past retreats.

Chef James guided the kitchen staff at our venue, the Island Hotel, Newport Beach, in cooking all our nutritarian meals–seriously, a monumental task by itself, since most of these chefs had never even heard of cooking without oil and restricted salt.

He also led some of the most thorough and in-depth presentations throughout the week!  I had the pleasure of eating dinner with him one of the last nights at the getaway where he shared his passion for tennis and cooking for his nutritarian clients in Chicago.

Highlights from Chef James’ presentations:

  • Setting Up For Success: In this presentation Chef James lays out everything you’d need in your pantry and all recommended kitchen equipment to start living this lifestyle.  It was exceptionally thorough.
  • Flavor Development: In one of the best presentations of the entire immersion, Chef James took SAD (Standard American Diet) favorites, broke down their elements and taught us the tools to “nutritarianize” any recipe!
  • Culinary Inspirations: Chef James introduced us to some of the chefs that have inspired him in his work.  He demonstrated his favorite fine-dining recipes that he’s “nutritarianized.” But the best part was when he called his mother on speaker phone to tell her she was one of his biggest inspirations (serious cuteness overload!).
  • Favorite quote: “We don’t need to adjust to make SAD people happy.”

Dr. Fuhrman Culinary Getaway Chef Robin Jeep Nutritarian Personal ChefChef Robin Jeep

After 10 minutes of seeing Chef Robin Jeep on the stage I thought to myself, “Now, that’s who I want to be when I grow up!”

Beautiful, vibrant and absolutely-dedicated to teaching others about high-nutrient living.

Chef Robin is an artist (literally, she paints!) who sees food as another creative medium.  Confessing that she uses fruits and veggies just as she would the colors on her palette!

(Insert heart-eyed smiley-face emojii here!)

Chef Robin worked as a personal chef (most notably for the Emmitt Smith family), opened plant-based restaurants and conducts plant-based and foraging seminars for businesses seminars and in her local community.

Highlights from Chef Robin’s presentations:

  • Her personal healing story:  After a debilitating horse riding accident, Chef Robin worked with Dr. Fuhrman to slowly regain her health (especially focusing on gut health).
  • Engage All Your Senses with Simple Plans for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: This presentation focused on Chef Robin’s everyday-style cooking.  She showed us how to use bacteria capsules to culture bases like tofu or nut-based milks into beautifully flavorful cheeses and yogurts!  Chef Robin’s favorite way to sustain through the day is with large bowls of cooked and raw veggies, beans and greens, that she calls “whole meal bowls.”
  • International Cuisine: In this cooking demonstration Chef Robin made an Indian-flavored drinkable meal (smoothie), a GBOMBS Thai Curry and the pièce de résistance a GBOMBS Skillet Lasagna garnished with fresh herbs and edible flowers (eek!).
  • Decadent Desserts: Chef Robin shined in this demonstration with her Ginger Poached Pears with Matcha Green Tea Sauce and Pistachio Avocado Gelato recipes.
  • Nutritarian Cultured Dairy Alternatives: Chef Robin showed us how to use bacteria capsules to culture bases like tofu or nut-based milks into beautifully flavorful cheeses and yogurts!
  • Favorite quote: “Beautiful food tastes better.”  And you can take a look at her words in action on her site Vibrant Cuisine.

Chef Martin Oswald Dr. Fuhrman Culinary Getaway Nutritarian ChefChef Martin Oswald

Of all the chefs presenting at Dr. Fuhrman’s Culinary Getaway, Austrian-native, Chef Martin Oswald, certainly had the most experience with fine dining.

He worked under Wolfgang Puck and has opened several restaurants over the course of his career.  His most-recent restaurant, the Pyramid Bistro in Aspen, is the first-ever nutritarian restaurant in the US!

This past April, Dr. Fuhrman held his third-annual Aspen Ski Getaway at Chef Martin’s Pyramid Bistro.  And Chef Martin has worked with Dr. Fuhrman developing recipes for several of his books.

Before the getaway, I was lucky enough to have connected with Chef Martin on Instagram where I was drawn to his gourmet approach to nutritarian cooking and he was “very impressed” with my weekly fridge pics!

It was wonderful meeting him in person and he was gracious enough to call me out at the end of one of his presentations and let all the retreat participants know about what I do here at Hello Nutritarian.

Highlights from Chef Martin’s presentations:

  • Salad Basics: You all know the depth of my love of oil-free, nutritarian salad dressings by now!  Well, imagine making 5 amazingly-tasty dressings, with completely different flavor profiles, using only a whisk, in mere minutes!  This demonstration was riveting to say the least.  Chef Martin ended up making 5 dressings and 5 corresponding salads in less than 90 minutes!
  • Stir It, Cream It, Roast It!: This demonstration was all about creating simple meals with intense flavors and textures.  Chef Martin gave us such sage advice about cooking temperatures, methods and techniques.
  • Think Like a Chef: This was an amazing hands-on presentation where we all got to sample 3 types of gazpachos and identify flavors.  We then rated each gazpacho for salt, sweet, sour, spicy, umami, texture, color and freshness.
  • Favorite Advice: “The softer the veggies the shorter and higher you cook them.”

Michael Manz, M.D.

Our final presenter was psychiatrist Dr. Michael Mantz.  He’s worked with and received training from Dr. Fuhrman for the past 15 years.

Although he wasn’t a chef, he did an everyday cooking-style demonstration called Intelligent Cooking: Using Your Mind and Your Fork to Create a Stronger Brain.

I most enjoyed hearing about his own personal transformation.  Before going nutritarian, Dr. Manz, who is 6’4″, weighed 267 pounds and had daily cheeseburgers from age 17 to 19 which resulted in a 42″ waist.

He now considers himself a “master herbalist” and links the foods you eat directly to your emotional well being.

Certificate of Nutritarian Cooking Dr Fuhrman Culinary Getaway RetreatCertification in Nutritarian Cooking

If you want to know my favorite piece of paper in my office, this is one of them!

And it runs a very close second only to my law degree.

Four years after discovering Dr. Fuhrman’s work and implementing it my life and my work, nothing meant more than to attend Dr. Fuhrman’s Culinary Getaway.

Receiving the quality coaching and recipe-development experience in this immersion has absolutely made me a better chef!

Some of my recipes that were inspired by the getaway:

But the exceptional learning wasn’t the only highlight of this retreat…

What you eat at a nutritarian getaway gourmet mealsThe Best 17 Meals I Ever Had

17 meals.

17 gourmet, I-didn’t-have-to-cook-a-darn-thing, nutritarian meals.

For a mother of two young kiddos, in a household of non-nutritarians, this was some supreme pampering and indulgence my friends!

Tasting and sampling dishes I’d seen demonstrated in presentations along with top-rated recipes from D.r Fuhrman’s own library was simply a dream-come-true.

So, I can tell you that going to one of Dr. Fuhrman’s retreats is “worth it” just based on the food alone! 

Cause, let’s face it, finding a plant-based, oil-free, low-sodium, 5-star restaurant is just plain impossible in SAD-land.

In true blogger fashion I took pics of everything I ate at each of these 17 meals.  I was tempted to share them all (and let me know in the comments if that’s something you’d like me to do).

For now, I’m going to focus on bringing you my highlights.

And I have some very exciting news!  If you’re a member of Dr. Fuhrman’s Site you can find the entire Culinary Getaway recipe collection here!

Let’s start our tour with the first meal of the day.

Breakfast Highlights:

  • Sneaky Pink Smoothie: I’m not going to lie, I was pretty scared when I saw the ingredients for Chef Robin’s recipe on our menu.  Cauliflower and navy beans–say whaaa???  Surprisingly it was delicious and completely changed my notion of what a breakfast smoothie could be!  Plus it’s pink–’nuff said!
  • Apricot Oat Bars: What’s not to love?  These were filled with oats, nuts, seeds, cinnamon and dried apricots.
  • Romain Lettuce: It took me till our very last breakfast to finally conjure up the strength to try this first thing in the morning.  When I reported to my hubby that there was always crispy Romain out on the breakfast spreads, he said, “Really?  It’s not enough that you guys eat salad at every other meal of the day?”  Lol, it’s never enough!  And let me relay to you that Romain with some chia jam, nutritarian yogurt and a few raw nuts is delicious!

Dr. Fuhrman Culinary Getaway What to expect at a Dr Fuhrman Nutritarian Retreat the salad bar 6 week eat to live planThe Salad is the Main Best Course

Nothing was more awe-inspiring than seeing our daily salad bars!

A buffet line filled with oil-free salad dressings, fresh organic salad greens and all kind and manner of nutritarian toppings.

My first few meals, I loaded up especially-giant salads.  I mean even more epic and giant than I’m used to (which is pretty darn big).

In the beginning I’d sample a bit of every dressing along with some of Dr. Fuhrman’s flavored balsamic vinegar.

Then as the week went on, and after a little group-reprimanding from Chef James, I focused on constructing “themed” salads.  Where I’d choose one dressing and focus on finding ingredients that would compliment said dressing in flavor and texture.

What can I say?  It’s hard to take the kitchen sink out of the kitchen-sink-salad girl.

Salad Bar Highlights:

  • Bing Cherry Walnut Vinaigrette:  This dressing by Chef James, was bright, tart, slightly-sweet mouth-magic!
  • Cruciferous Crunch Full-Meal Salad with Ranch Dressing: I couldn’t get enough of this recipe by Chef Robin!  It’s loaded with cruciferous veggies with tons of texture and crunch contrasted with a savory and creamy ranch dressing.
  • Smashed Raspberry Dressing: This super-simple-to-make dressing from Chef Martin only requires 4 ingredients and a whisk.  The flavor is bright, balanced, creamy and pour-it-on-all-the-things delicious!

Dr. Fuhrman Culinary Getaway What to Expect at a retreat Dr Fuhrman recipes Eat to Live DietThe Not-So “Main,” Main Event

So, just like kindergartners know 1 plus 1 equals 2, nutritarians know that the salad is the main dish.

And don’t get me wrong, the salads I experienced during Dr. Fuhrman’s Culinary Getaway were spectacular.

But getting the opportunity to eat some rather-complicated-to-make cooked recipes (that I would never even dare to attempt in my own kitchen) was the stuff of legend.

I have over 40 pictures with every single thing I ate during the week.

And every time I though I had surely eaten the best nutritarian dish I had ever tasted, another recipe would bump that one out of the running!

Cooked Dishes Highlights:

  • Portobello Steaks with Pecan Herb Gravy:  This savory, rich and flavorful dish was served for Monday’s dinner.  I could have eaten it every. single. day.
  • Curried Egg-Less Salad with Cashews and Dried Apricots:  This lunch recipe from Chef James is a tofu salad with a tofu-and-cashew-based mayo that had an amazing harmony and balance of flavors.
  • GBOMBS Thai Vegetable Curry: This curry by Chef Robin made our Tuesday lunch extra-special when paired with Wild Rice with Apricots and Sesame Seeds.
  • Roasted Cashew Mushroom Loaf with Home-Style Ketchup: This loaf had a lovely texture, was firm yet moist and loaded with layers of flavors.  It was served with Rustic Mashed Cauliflower with Roasted Garlic and Spinach and Slow-Simmered Collard Greens.  And it made my Wednesday night feel like a Christmas Eve feast!

Dessert Highlights:

  • Carrot Cupcakes with Cinnamon Raisin Frosting: This was hands-down the best dessert I ate at the entire event.  In my SAD days, nothing got me more hot-and-bothered than carrot cake.  This nutritarian version filled with zucchini, apples, pineapple, banana, and nuts just took it to a whole other good-for-you level!
  • Pistachio Avocado Gelato: Made with tofu, dates, fruits, nuts, spinach and avocado this dessert by Chef Robin was absolutely out-of-this-world delicious and easy to make!
  • Peanut Butter Cookies: This was a recipe from Dr. Fuhrman’s latest cookbook Eat to Live Quick & Easy Recipes (which all the getaway participants received).  Made from lentils and peanut butter, this was one of the first recipes I made when I got home from the retreat.  The kids weren’t quite sure of what to think, but hubby and I adore them.

Dr. Fuhrman Culinary Getaway What a day of retreat eating looks likeThis What I Ate on Monday

I put this collage together to show you my favorite motto in action:


The beauty, magic and effectiveness of the nutritarian diet is that you eat more to lose weight and gain health excellence.

But to put it all in perspective: I lost 5 pounds during my week at the retreat!  I didn’t get to workout once and I enjoyed dessert with both my lunch and dinner, daily.

And. I. Still. Lost. Weight.

I mean look at all the food in that pic!  I ate all of it and I did that again and again for 5 1/2 more days.

Even as an experienced nutritarian, I have to tell you, I was shocked and surprised.

So, we’ve covered Dr. Fuhrman, we’ve covered the chefs and presenters and what we learned, and we’ve covered the food.

I hope I’ve been able to convey to you just how amazing this experience was.

But if you really want to know what made Dr. Fuhrman’s Culinary Getaway exceptional it was the people I met…

Dr. Fuhrman Culinary Getaway What to Expect at a Retreat Friendship and CommunityConnecting With a Community

I can’t tell you how absolutely refreshing it is to hang, talk and eat with fellow nutritarians.

Feeling for the first time like you completely belong.

Not having to tiresomely explain your “weird and radical” eating style.  Not being questioned or schooled by SAD people.

That feeling was something I never experienced before and I can’t adequately describe to you how powerfully uplifting it feels!

I made it my practice to sit with as many new people as possible during our meals.  I loved hearing and sharing our nutritarian experiences and healing stories.  I loved laughing about the things only fellow nutritarians understand.  And I loved swapping recipe ideas, tips and tricks!

But I was particularly in awe of the black-belts.

Those people who have been practicing this lifestyle for a decade or more.  The ones who completely crushed our antioxidant screenings.  Like Michele Comeau, who nailed a perfect 90,000 (I came in at a respectable 57,000).

And I was so happy to meet a fellow nutritarian YouTuber and Instagrammer, Katie Reines!  Katie and I had a lot to bond over and even took food pics together.  Definitely another heart-eyed-smiley-face emoji moment!

Dr Fuhrman Culinary Getaway Hello Nutritarian the friendshipsFriendship

Just as it happens in all parts of life, there are certain people who you just click with.

And by the end of our retreat I had ended the week with a life-long friend, who almost feels like a sister to me now.

We make it our practice to call each other every month (or as close as we can get) and check-in about our lives and nutritarian journeys.

We are each-others’ biggest cheerleaders and I’m forever grateful to have made such a friendship from my time at Dr. Fuhrman’s Culinary Getaway.

It was like the biggest take-home gift I could have ever received and I never even expected would happen heading into the immersion.

We’ve already decided that we absolutely MUST attend Dr. Fuhrman’s next US-based retreat in 2019, and you better believe I’ll be reporting all about it for you here! (And hopefully it won’t take me quite so long to get it done next time!)

I hope you enjoyed learning more about what to expect at one of Dr. Fuhrman’s retreats!  Make sure to check his current scheduled retreats here!

It can really be one of the best investments you can make to solidify your dedication to your nutritarian path.

Did you find this post to be a helpful resource for you?  Is there anything else you’d like to know about the getaway?   Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think or what you want to know more about!

Let’s live better together!

xo, Kristen
Kristen Hong of Hello Nutritarian

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  • Susan says:

    That is an incredible post, thank you so much. I was also very pleased to have you discuss what an incredible man Dr. Fuhrman is. I also have had the honor of meeting him when he spoke at a local middle school and he is the real deal. He is so kind and so giving and I was really happy to see you feature that as part of your story. !!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Susan,

      Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment about this post! It took me a long time to organize all my notes and pictures and I was very much hoping that it would be helpful and appreciated!

      Yes, I was definitely impressed with Dr. Fuhrman and especially the level of involvement and engagement he had throughout the event! First class and I think that is why he has earned so much success!

      xo, Kristen

  • Amber says:

    I REALLY REALLY loved this post!! I’m dying to go to a Nutritarian getaway myself and your description of it makes me want to go even more!! Thank you very much for all you do!! Yours was the first really thorough blog I found when I decided to make the switch to Nutritarianism. I love your posts, emails, ebooks, and IG account!! You make being a Nutritarian easier and I’m completely inspired by you!!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Wow Amber!

      I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to let me know how you felt about this article! It took a LONG time to write this one up and I kept wondering if it would be helpful! I’m so, so happy to get the feedback that it is helpful!!

      Make it happen, just get there–it is completely worth it and leave there with an incredible “high” that lasts for months!

      Thank you, thank you for your amazingly kind words about what I do here at Hello Nutritarian! Hearing this just inspires me to keep pushing, keep creating and keep helping–thank you for that!

      xo, Kristen

  • Wendy Strack says:

    Thank you tons for sharing about this event. I’ve always been curious about it but wasn’t sure if it was something I wanted to do. Well now, because of your post I know that I want to go!

    You are awesome and beautiful! Keep up the great work!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Wendy!

      YAY!! I’m so happy you enjoyed the rundown and I’m SO excited for you to attend one of Dr. Fuhrman’s retreats!

      I can’t wait to find out the next time & location for his next US retreat!

      Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!

      xo, Kristen

  • Cathy Natoli says:

    Hi Kirsten, loved this informative blog thanks so much for sharing. Can you also say which of Dr Furhmans many pages has the recipes
    From the retreat? I live in Australia , so unlikely I will ever go to one myself, cheers

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Cathy!

      I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed this post!

      If you head into the post under the heading “The Best 17 Meals I Ever Had” you’ll find it linked in this sentence: “And I have some very exciting news! If you’re a member of Dr. Fuhrman’s Site you can find the entire Culinary Getaway recipe collection here!”

      xo, Kristen

  • Janet says:

    This post is so packed with information and inspiration! I enjoyed learning about the chefs, and would have loved to have learned from them, too. One of my favorite recipes from Dr. Fuhrman’s cookbook, “Eat To Live” is the Nutritarian Caesar Dressing. It was developed by James Rohrbacher. So it was great to hear about him!
    Now I’ve got to go back and check out all the links! Thanks Kristen, for sharing all of this!

  • Michelle says:

    I would love to see all of the meal pics. I never get tired of seeing and learning about nutritarian cooking.

  • Sharon Blatt says:

    Wow Kristen, I am just catching up on your blog and this retreat sounds amazing. you’ve inspired me ( you inspire me in so many ways on so many days!!) to start saving up so I an plan on attending next years retreat! I am jumping over as a member to Dr. Fuhrman’s site to see al these amazing sounding recipes!! Have a great vaca!! Cant wait for your second addition

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Sharon!

      Oh I’m so happy to hear that this post has inspired you to get to one of Dr. Fuhrman’s retreats!!

      You’re going to leave there feeling inspired, relaxed and determined that you are on the best-possible path for your health!

      xo, Kristen

  • Kerrie says:

    Kristen, Thanks so much for sharing!! I want to go, too, one day! It is so exciting to see and read all you’ve shared about the event!

  • Jody says:

    [Insert heart-eyed, smiley face emoji here!] That was seriously a great tour of your culinary getaway. Thank you for sharing your experiences, food pics, and take-aways from the presentations and chefs. I can only imagine how long it took you to put this post together – it is so thorough, informative, and inspiring! I just want you to know how much I appreciate your time and dedication!

  • Rebekah DeSimone says:

    Hi Kristen,
    I am very interested in finding out how to attend one of Dr. Furhman’s retreats and how much they cost. I have some questions but don’t want to communicate via FB

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Rebekah! You can just click on the link I have in the article that will lead you right to Dr. Fuhrman’s site and lists all the retreats and lots of info about each one of them! xoxo

  • Kelly Miller says:

    What a fantastic post! This was my first Dr. Fuhrman getaway as well, and from hearing comments from others at the getaway, this one was certainly a special one !! Reading your post just fills my heart with smiles! I have never had such a wonderful solo vacation in my life. Reading this brings back all of the wonderful memories from that week! I totally agree with all of your assessments! I too had an appointment with Dr. F, but upgraded to a full hour. This man is the real deal! He lives and breathes this stuff! He has dedicated his life to health and wellness and spreading the word to anyone who will listen. I also found his family to be so amazing! All of his staff, many of whom are family members, are all so warm and caring! It was such a feel-good experience! The most surprising part for me was eating 3 very large, delicious meals a day, including desserts with lunch AND dinner and losing 5 pounds as well!!! This culinary getaway was truly amazing. My fan girl moment with Dr. Fuhrman was unforgettable, but my most precious gift was meeting you!! I had such a blast getting to know you and sharing some really silly moments! Who knew it was possible to go on vacation and come back in better health and have a found a new lifelong friend??!!
    Love you Kristen!!!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Oh Kelly,

      I’m SO glad you got a chance to read this post! I didn’t know if you’d be okay shouting out your full name so I kept it to just Kelly!

      I agree that meeting you was biggest gift of this experience! Just having someone who 1001% understands this special path we are on has made all the difference in turning this into my forever lifestyle!

      I can’t wait to have our next Dr. Fuhrman adventure together next year! I am already daydreaming about it during these gloomy winter days!

      Can’t wait for the summer sunshine, amazing food, new friends, and even more amazing information for us to feast on together!

      xoxo, Kristen

  • alyr says:

    How great! Thanks for this fantastic review. It came up for me when I was searching for another version of Chef R’s oasted Cashew Mushroom Loaf with Home-Style Ketchup.

    Do you know the quantity of portobello mushrooms? On Dr F website he only listed “8 large portobello mushrooms” but for the button mushrooms he listed the specific quantity of 1.5 pounds. As you know, the wrong amount of mushrooms might end up in a hard brick or MUSH LOL.

    Specifically did you notice him using the smaller “Baby Bella” mushrooms or the super large Portobello mushroom caps that are around 4-5 inches in diameter?

    I could usually guess from the pan size but equally confusing he only lists “loaf PANS” not how many or anything!


  • Wanda Trexler says:

    I just found your website and am glad I did. You have so much great information on it. It’s like a fresh drink of water from a mountain well. Thank you for caring enough to do this. There’s still a lot for me to go through but so far I’ve learned about prepping from you and that it can be done even if you’re the only one in your family living this way. Thank you very much!

  • Don Jenkins says:

    Huge fan of Dr Furman for fifteen years. First saw him on PBS. Was 305 lbs now 185. Also interested in a lifetime membership.

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Wow! Congratulations on your amazing success Don!

      I think if you go to Dr. Fuhrman’s website there is an option for lifetime membership!


  • Kevin Smith says:

    Hi Kristen, big fan of you site and great blog. I am currently folling the nutritarian diet. I am following the ~90% plan so not the hard core one as I am happy with my weight with a bmi of 25, but I could do a bit more to get to 25. Anyhow, this week I have been doing almost 100% vegan, that is one piece of fish and one piece of lamb. But will this give me enough b12 or shoud I take a supplement?


    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Kevin, so happy to hear that you’re enjoying the site!

      I don’t feel comfortable giving you any medical guidance but what you might want to do is as for your B12 to be tested at your next physical–I do this with my doctor for bit. D and B12 and that way you can make an informed decision on supplementation.

      I also have a more in-depth article on supplements here: Nutritarian Vitamin & Supplement Guide

  • Terri says:

    I too attended one of his getaways in Amelia Island a few years ago and it was one of the best vacations of my life!! Thank you for sharing your getaway experience . It has just made me more eager to attend his next one!!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Terri,

      Oh, that sounds like it was a lovely experience! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed this post and thanks so much for taking the time to leave a review and let me know you enjoyed it!


  • Joy Schwabach says:

    You make Nutritarianism so friendly and accessible! I’ve often wondered what a retreat was like and came very close to going to this one. I lived in Newport Beach from when I was two weeks old till I turned 43, and I was tempted to return for this event and see my sister at the same time. Will you be at the upcoming one in North Carolina! I think I’d be as pleased to meet you as Dr. Fuhrman, maybe more. You’ve tweaked his recipes just enough to make them sensational! And your encouraging blog keeps me inspired.

  • R. Danker says:

    Do you know of any company that will ship Nutritarian meals to my home? seems to be about the closest to Nutritarian I have found so far.

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi there! I’m sorry I don’t know of a meal service of that kind–but it would be amazing if someone started it!

  • Tanya Doporcyk says:

    Hi! I was wondering how I could access the recipes from Dr. Fuhrman’s retreat. I am totally in with the Nutritarian diet, but I am trying to find the best tasting foods for my husband and my son to try to encourage them to eat better. I have been experimenting for years, but now that I have come across this, I feel this is the best way to eat. Please let me know where I can access these recipes. Thank you.

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Tanya, the recipes we given to the getaway participants in a spiral book. It is my understanding that if you take the onions course you will also receive the recipes probably in a printable .pdf but you would have to contact customer support on Dr. Fuhrman’s website to learn those specifics.

  • Gina says:

    I just came across this and wanted to say, what a beautiful, informative site! It is clear that this is your passion and you present the information in such a great way. Thank you for sharing your expertise and experience!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Oh, I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to let me know that you’re finding the site helpful! Big smile over here!