Daily Menus

Daily Eat to Live Meal Plans Day 53 Dr Fuhrman Nutritarian 6 week plan Whole Food Plant Based Meal Plans Dr Greger How not to Die What the HealthSo, you’ve found out about Dr. Fuhrman’s nutritarian diet.  You’re intrigued.

Maybe you’re concerned about a recently diagnosed health problem or maybe you’re just looking to shed some pounds.

Whatever the reason, you’re here!  And that’s a very, very good thing!

I’m going to take all the guesswork out of becoming nutritarian for you!  You’re not going to struggle through the 6 week plan like I did.

You’ve literally hit the mother-load: an archive of over 50 daily menus to get you from where you are now to where you want to be!

Here’s what you get:

  • a full day of what to eat (that’s breakfast, lunch and dinner) on Dr. Fuhrman’s plan
  • a FREE PRINTABLE shopping list, get it right here (right now!): Eat to Live Day 53 Shopping List
  • links to all the recipes you need to make it happen!

Free Printable Recipes Shopping List for Dr Fuhrman Eat to Live Nutritarian 6 week plan Whole Food Plant Based Meal Plan What the HealthYou asked and I listened–free printable shopping lists are now available and they begin on Day 48!

Are you a start-things-from-the-very-beginning type?  Well, then head over to Day 1 and work your way back.

It really doesn’t matter which day you choose, just as long as you pick a menu that looks yummy to you and START!

eat to live weekly food prep BUTTON dr fuhrman nutritarian diet plan weekly meal prep no oil recipes the end of heart diseaseAnd while these individual days are a great jumping off point, your absolute best chance at sticking to a nutritarian lifestyle is by weekly food prep and batch cooking, so be sure to hit up that post next!

Day 53 Eat to Live Daily Menu How to Make a Salad on Dr Fuhrman Nutritarian 6 week plan no oil vegan recipes Dr Greger How not to Die RecipesEat to Live Breakfast:

  • 1 large apple, sliced
  • 1 1/2 tbsp. raw, creamy almond butter mixed with 2 tbsp. unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (excellent source of calcium–aim for 1 cup a day!)

Eat to Live Lunch:

Eat to Live Dinner:

  • No-Oil Tofu & Bok Choy Stir Fry: add 1/2 cup low-sodium veggie broth to a saute pan.  Cube 1-14 oz package of firm tofu and cook in broth over medium-high heat for about 10 minutes.  Add more broth as needed.  Add 1/2 tsp. garlic powder and 1 tsp. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos.  Reduce heat to medium and add 5-6 heads of baby boy choy.  Cook until just wilted.
  • mixed baby greens salad, topped with chopped red cabbage, red pepper, grape tomatoes, chopped snow peas and 1/2 tbsp. raw hemp seeds (I dressed this salad with rice vinegar)
  • 4 mandarin oranges

Notes on Day 53:

This menu is perfect when you are following Dr. Fuhrman’s Aggressive Weight Loss plan!

It has less than 1 cup of whole grains for the day (about 1/4 cup of sweet potato in the soup).  So feel free to add a 1/2 whole grain pita to lunch or dinner.

It has no added oils and stays within your quotas for sodium and nut and seed intake.

With a big serving of cruciferous green veggies at dinner, this menu is strong!  I would personally add some mushrooms tot he tofu “stir fry” just so you’re hitting those G-BOMBS.

I give this menu an enthusiastic “A”!

Okay, you’ve got your shopping list, you’ve got your recipes, you’ve GOT THIS!

I hope you love Day #53 on the nutritarian plan!

If you’re curious about how I lost over 21 pounds on the six week plan (what I ate and how I felt, side-effects and funny findings) be sure to check out my 6 week journal here!

What do you think of these daily menus?  Are they helpful for you?  What could I do to make them even better?  Please leave a comment, I love feedback!

Let’s live better together!  xo, Kristen

nutritarian ebook 7 day Salad Cleanse ebook lead magnetSign up for Hello Nutritarian’s email updates and get The 7 Day Salad Cleanse ebook sent to you right away!  I share how adding more salad to your existing diet will help you get healthier and lose weight–you pick your pace and follow 4 easy rules!

Like Us On Facebook Hello NutritarianLike Hello Nutritarian on Facebook and join a community of people who want to regain their health with nutritional excellence–there are great giveaways too!

xo, Kristen
Kristen Hong of Hello Nutritarian

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  • Kristina says:

    Yes yes yes I LOVE these plans! Keep going till you hit 365 – a years worth- and then all of your long time followers can save it, print it, and bind it like a book. I have sent countless people to your blog for this alone! Keep it going girl! xo

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Kristina!

      First off, thank you so, so much for sharing the site with your friends–that is seriously the ultimate compliment!

      Lol, that’s the goal, we’ll see how long it takes!

      Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

      xo, Kristen

  • Kathy says:

    HI Kristen! I’m so glad I stumbled on your website via Pinterest. (Gotta love Pinterest!) I am seriously considering trying the six weeks…I love Dr. Fhurman…he makes a lot of sense. I just turned 50 and am beginnings to experience some unwelcome health problems…probably from yo-yo dieting for so many years. I have a couple questions..,,do you use salt now? If not how do you season your foods? I noticed you mentioned Braggs, I like that…nice and salty flavored. So, if you try and stick with his way of eating most of the time, what are your regular cheats? Have you noticed your food bill increased over what it used to be? And do you cook separate meals for your hubby, and if so, is that a difficult thing to do? Thanks so much in advance!! I LOVE your website, by the way. I really appreciate it is not over run with ads and popups…it shows me you really care about your audience. I like the suggestion of a years worth of menus that are in book form to purchase, I hope you can do that some day. ☺️

    • Kristen says:

      Welcome Kathy!

      Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!

      Yay!! I’m so happy you found Dr. Fuhrman’s work and are getting ready to start your nutritarian journey!

      SALT–I no longer cook with salt. I try to use Liquid Aminos or nutritional yeast instead. When I eat out or premade foods then there is usually salt in there–but I really try to limit those two things. My #1 recommended seasoning is Costco’s No-Salt Seasoning blend–hands down my favorite (you can find it on Amazon here!) I promise you will learn the power of herbs in seasoning your food.

      CHEATS–I have struggled with incorporating cheats into my lifestyle. I am a recovering binge eater, so often times and single cheat day or cheat meal will send me into a week-long tailspin of overeating. Now, when I do cheat, I try to eat the same plant-based foods but more laxed on oil and salt. My favorite cheat meal is from a local chain called Gotta Eatta Pita–I get a mixed greens and tabouleh bowl with cabbage, cucumber and tomato, eggplant (there’s the oil), hummus, spicy sauce (there’s the salt), and fallafel (deep fried garbanzo beans).

      That being said, I am currently on a mission to get down to my ideal weight and am doing another strict 6 week round where I cut out any cheats.

      When you do your 6 weeks, it must be at 100%. Don’t even give yourself the option to have a cheat meal. That’s the only way you’ll see the power of this lifestyle on your health and weight. Check out this blog post on cheating!

      I cook separately for everyone in my family! When I first did the 6 weeks, I cooked three different meals, for every meal. You can do it! Just like you invest time in working out just for “you” you can dedicate time to cooking your own healthy food, even if it’s just for you!

      Now, my hubby is pretty good about eating what I eat about 50 to 75% of the time. But my young kiddos are on a whole different planet. I pack my hubby’s lunch for work every day too. There’s a lot of cooking going on at my place! It only works because I’ve adopted weekly batch cooking!

      I am writing an ebook right now on 6 weeks of Nutritarian food prep! I’m so excited about it! Make sure to stay tuned on Facebook for announcements–there will be giveaways to come! I am expecting to have it for sale just before Christmas!

      FOOD BILL–Before going nutritairan I ate out a lot. A whole lot! Now that I cook at home 95% of the time, we are definitely saving. And since I started batch cooking I’m saving even more.

      All I can say is your health is the #1 most important thing in life. If you decide to invest time, energy and money into this, you’re putting it in the right place (no justifications needed)!

      Thank you for all your kind words and I wish you the very best life to come!

      xo, Kristen

      • Kathy says:

        Thank you so much for taking the time to give me a thoughtful reply! I’m going to pour over your blog and the recipes and really buckle down for the six weeks.

        • Kristen says:

          Hi Kathy!

          Yay!! That’s wonderful to hear! You’ve got this!

          xo, Kristen

      • Samantha says:

        Are these daily
        Menus for the aggressive weight loss plan or the lifestyle one?

        • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

          Hi Samantha!

          I’ll be going back through all of these in the months to come to update them with which plan they fall under!

          For sure, Day #53 is compliant with the Aggressive Weight Loss plan.

          I also noticed the shopping list download link is broken–I’ll fix that now!

          xo, Kristen

  • nancy Leatham says:

    I have been reading a few of your posts , you are truly inspiring. I have always wanted to follow this plan but lacked the guts to do it! Do you have any recommendations for doing this program while nursing?

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Nancy!

      So nice to meet you, and I’m so happy you’ve been finding the site helpful!

      Yes! You can do it! I did it while I was nursing my youngest and had no issues, in fact I truly believe it made her have a wider array of veggies as a toddler (she’s 4 now). I started the program 6 months to the day she was born. I breast fed her for 11 months, so she had 5 months of nutritarian breast milk.

      I didn’t notice any increased gasiness or loose stool when I started.

      How old is your baby?

      xo, Kristen

  • Taxi says:

    Hi and thank you for the wonderful blog!!
    I was wondering what you suggest for someone like me who doesnt like vegetables or fruit at all? I have been a vegan for 6 years but I gained nearly 70lbs during those years of not eating meat. I switched to things like EarthBalance and Gardein but salads are so hard to chew and taste pretty awful to me. I cannot stomach vinegars at all so most Nutritarian dressings are out for me. I also feel grossed out by Indian, Chinese or Thai foods. I guess Im a strictly meat n potatoes gal that was never overweight until i went vegan. Now im trying to lose the weight i gained without going back to meat but… Everything that is “good for me” is a big plate of everything mixed together. Do you have any words of wisdom and help for someone like me? Thx in advance!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Taxi!

      I’m so glad you found out about Dr. Fuhrman and this blog!

      So, you’re not going to like this but you have to “practice” eating fruits and vegetables. I learned this from my children’s doctor. My son wasn’t eating any veggies and she told me to have him “practice” by chewing on the veggie and spitting it out. I know this sounds extreme, and I have modified the advice for adults, but if you think about it, gaining all the weight you did by not eating fruits and veggies was also extreme.

      There is no way around it, fruits and veggies help you lose weight, protect you from cancer and heart disease and repair cellular damage in your body. You can’t accept that you just won’t eat them. You need to make a valiant effort to find ways that you can incorporate them into your life–because your life depends on it. I will help you do this!

      The reason you gained so much weight is because simply replacing meat with processed meat alternatives does not mean it is a health-promoting lifestyle.

      START HERE: The first place you will want to start is making a smoothie. Start off small, make a half portion of this recipe. Do it in the morning, before you eat anything else–think of it like this: If I finish my smoothie then I can have whatever else I would like after that. The green smoothie is important because you want those leafy greens to nourish you first thing in the morning and this will help you curb your appetite.

      PURGE PROCESSED FOODS: You next step has to be to stop eating processed foods. Processed foods have lots of oils, salt and sugar. Eating too much of them without counter-balancing them with free-radical fighting fruits and veggies leaves your system inflamed and holding on to fat. Start by making tofu, beans and seeds your primary sources of protein. I recommend these Crispy Baked Tofu Fingers as your first recipe. Since your a meat and potatoes gal you can have the tofu fingers with these Nutritarian Mashed Potatoes! Your meals can also be as simple as beans with brown rice or beans served over a baked potato.

      SNEAK VEGGIES INTO YOUR DIET: Those mashed potatoes I recommended have pureed cauliflower in them. You can also make a vegan cheese sauce out of potato and carrots like this! I would also recommend trying to eat one new fresh veggie a month. Start with celery. Eat it with a drizzle of raw almond butter and a few raisins. Start with one small piece and try to get better weekly. The next month try one fresh baby carrot dipped in hummus. Take small steps!

      AVOID OIL AND SALT: Oil is really the enemy when you have extra fat on your body. It only takes our bodies 3 calories to efficiently store oil in our fat cells. When you eat whole-food fats instead (like nuts, seeds and avocados) it takes the body much longer to digest and store and you use up more calories in the process! If you can avoid processed foods and not cook your food with oil, you will start to see the weight come off!

      I know you can do this! You can do more than you think you can by starting small and building up! Reach out to me whenever you need to!

      xo, Kristen

      • Taxi says:

        Oh my, thank you so much!! Im so depressed about my condition and you have made my day and given me hope!! I will wean off the processed foods starting today with all foods with sugar in them. Tomorrow, I will begin weaning off salts and oils. And I will do the practicing eating vegetables you did with your son. I plan on having a smoothie for dinner tonight and just dealing with the toxic hunger without panicking over it. Thank you again!! I thought I was a hopeless case!

        • Taxi says:

          Dear Kristin,
          I cannot thank you enough!!
          On Christmas Day I completely purged all sugar from my diet. I went through severe sugar withdrawal for about a week but I made it through and have had no sugar at all since Dec. 25th! This includes all sugar— if there is sugar on a label then it is off limits to me. Needless to say, I have had to forego some of my favorite foods like Trader Joes “chickenless” strips, my vanilla almond milk, my special pasta sauce and much more. That was the beginning. In addition to quitting sugar, I would walk by the Whole Foods salad bar, grab a box and literally pick one tiny sliver of a different vegetable and add it to my lunch every day. After a couple of days, 2 tiny pieces, then 3, etc.
          finally last week I took the plunge and had a salad for lunch with a lot of romaine and my little slivers of vegetables on top with an oil free dressing. I used every color of the rainbow even if it was only a teaspoon– peas, yellow and red peppers, corn, red onions, broccoli, cauliflower, even seeds and nuts!
          I know this sounds crazy to most people but a teaspoon was all I could stomach of any vegetable and for me to have only a salad for lunch was nothing short of miraculous! I was so proud but unfortunately my craving for salt and oils was still there even though my stomach was full. So I made a huge mistake. I decided that as a reward for having raw vegetables for lunch I “rewarded” myself with a huge plate of bean pasta with seitan meatballs- loaded with salt and fat- and made myself so sick that I was in bed the rest of the day. I jokingly told my family that the veggies almost killed me! But I now knew what “Toxic Hunger” was and realized that in order to really get well I would have to dump the salt and oil addictions as well.
          I haven’t done that yet. I am now having a salad for lunch and my regular salty, fatty food for dinner. But I am a thousand times better!! I’m beginning to crave that salad every day and the portions of vegetables are getting bigger and bigger!!
          If it had not been for your advice to “get used to eating vegetable”, I’d have never come this far!
          Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
          PS- i’ve lost 7lbs !

          • Kristen says:

            Oh my gosh, Taxi!!! I am SO, SO proud of you for sticking to it and not giving up on your health!!

            Any amount of veggies MATTERS! And the fact that you’re actually starting to look forward to it is absolutely amazing!!!

            I know you are going to go so far now that you are really understanding how changing what you eat (instead of how much you eat) is what is going to get you where you want to be!

            7 pounds so so frekain’ amazing!! I’m so proud of you, girl!!

            Thanks so much for checking in and keep posting updates!!

            xo, Kristen

      • Taxi says:

        Hi Kristen-
        I just replied to my own post accidentally and realizedthat you might not see it. Im not very good with “online”.
        What’s an email address where ppl can connect with you?
        Thx and i hope you see my success story!

  • Linsy says:

    Hi Kristin,
    I love your blog and your beautiful recipes! I was wondering though, do most of your meal plans incorporate all the GBOMBS? In this one I can’t find the mushrooms, but I was really hoping to find daily plans that include all of them. I will probably just sub out mushrooms for part of the tofu. Thanks!

  • Heather says:

    Hello. I am about to start the 6 week journey–I love, love your website. I have one issue. I do not eat tofu and when recipes call for it I have not idea what to do. Any suggestions??? Please and Thank you. Great job btw 🙂

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Heather!

      Huge congratulations on starting your nutritarian journey!

      Tofu is just soybeans, so you can always sub tofu for any beans that you like! Also, shiitake mushrooms have a really nice chewy texture that would be a good substitute too, say in a stir-fry (without oil). For a stir fry you could sub shiitake mushrooms and edamamde beans for the tofu!

      As you can see, I absolutely adore tofu and eat it daily, but there are many who don’t. You don’t need to eat tofu on the ETL plan, beans are the way to go!

      If you have a specific recipe substitution, let me know!

      xo, Kristen

  • Jessi says:

    Hi. I want to do this so bad, but with no one to do it with I’m finding it hard.. I found myself at fazolis day one, coke in hand. I need some accountability with someone. U interested in egging me on?

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Jessi!

      Oh, I know how very hard this process can be! What are your goals for changing to this lifestyle?

      I’m all about egging on! If you want you can email me at kdacuna@hotmail.com

      xo, Kristen

  • Joan says:

    Hi Kristen,

    I have been eating mostly plant based for several years now, and have never felt better. So glad I stumbled on your website. One thing I would look like to point out about almond milk though, is that unless you are buying a fortified brand, it is not particularly high in calcium (although plenty of other foods including actual almonds are). Love your meal plans!

  • Liz says:

    Hi, Kristen, I absolutely adore this site—such beautiful photos, and absolutely delicious recipes! I make tons of these as regular staples, and they taste like the purest, most delicious fuel every time. I was wondering how to get to the Day 54 Meal Plan (and on) from here; is this where it finishes? Thanks in advance!

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Liz!

      Oh, I’m SO happy to hear that you have been enjoying the site and finding the meal plans helpful!!

      Lol, Day 53 is where it ends and then I started focusing on weekly meal prepping. I do intend to add a few more daily meal plans to round out the collection to 60 days, but those won’t likely be until the beginning of next year!

      xo, Kristen

      • Liz says:

        Thank you for the response! I love your site, and will keep visiting. 😀

  • Candace says:

    I was wondering what the calorie intake for these meals are?

    • Kristen | Hello Nutritarian says:

      Hi Candace,

      I don’t provide calorie intake or nutritionals for my recipes. A big part of going nutritarian is to stop counting calories and focus on eating more–1 pound raw and 1 pound cooked veggies daily along with beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and raw nuts and seeds.

      It’s very freeing to stop the calorie counting but if you find it necessary for your season of life right now there are many free calorie counting sites you could use to input the ingredients!

      Wishing you all the best!

      xo, Kristen

  • Joleen says:

    The lunch on day 53 calls for a walnut vinaigrette, but the ingredients do not list walnuts in the salad dressing. Is this an error? Could you let me know where the walnut should go?

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Joleen,

      Thanks so much for letting me know about the walnuts missing from the shopping list. You can find the Walnut Vinaigrette recipe here and it has all ingredients listed!

      xo, Kristen

  • Juli says:

    When you say “4 mandarin oranges” is that just 4 slices? Or actually mean 4 whole oranges?

    • Kristen Hong says:

      It was 4 whole mandarins!

  • Tina Makris says:

    Hi! I wanted to say I LOVE this website!! I am 19 (nearly 20) and love Dr Fuhrman. I was struggling with recipes on this diet and your blog has saved me!! Thank you so much!

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Tina,

      Oh, I’m SO happy to hear that you’re finding the site helpful in your nutritarian journey! Thanks so much for taking the time to let me know too!

      xo, Kristen