The Basics

Dr fuhrman eat to live 6 week program are your ready diet review Dr Greger how not to die What the health documentaryCan you guess the number one factor that will help you stick to a new diet or lifestyle?

No, it’s not will power.

Nope, it’s not your looming 20th high school reunion either…

Two words, eight letters:


I’ve been at this now for over 3 years and weekly food prep helps me feel in control, resist temptation, stop worrying about what I’m going to eat and pretty much makes me feel like a nutritarian bad ass.

I’m like the Chuck Norris of nutritarians, and I’m not alone…

Over 33,000 people have read and shared my Eat to Live Food Prep Guide since it was published in late January.

I’ve received so much positive feed back from readers who have used the preps to be more successful on their journey to eat to live!

So, do you want to know the number one food prep that will impact your success on this plan?

If there’s one thing you can do right now, today, this instant, you need to create an in-fridge salad bar like this one from my Eat to Live Food Prep Guide:

Nutritarian diet Dr Fuhrman PBS special Dr Oz The End of Heart Disease the end of dietingIf you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and read this post (and print out the free weekly prep schedule while you’re at it), because weekly food prep will work for you too!

You’ll do some up-front work one or two days a week so you can literally open your fridge and find an amazing, on-plan meal waiting for you to quickly heat up.

It’s like Blue Apron, but you don’t have to cook every single night!

It’s an easy principle: invest the time when you’re less stressed so you can be in control when you are stressed. 

That’s the key, that’s the tip.  That’s my number one piece of advice after doing this for going on 4 years.

And, I’m ready to take this all-time most popular post and make it absolutely epic!

I am so, so thrilled to announce…

I am writing a Nutritarian food prep eBook!

You might have noticed my posts have slowed down a bit and now you know why!

So many of you have asked for more information about food prepping on the nutritarian plan and I’m hard at work to get that information to you!

The whole purpose of this blog is to fill that giant gap between reading the meticulously crafted and thoroughly researched books by Dr. Fuhrman and making the eat to live plan workable for busy people who don’t have a lot of time to cook each day.

I don’t want you to suffer through the 6 week program like I did.

I have a wealth of daily meal plans, nutritarian recipes and Eat to Live 101 topics for you to discover right now, and I hope you already have!

Now I’m working to give you a comprehensive plan with quick, easy recipes that taste awesome and can be mixed and combined so you’re never bored while you stay on-plan and on-track!

health food blog eBook announcement food recipe eBookWhat will be in the food prep eBook?

Without giving too much away (yup, not even the title–cause I’m a keep-my-surprises kinda girl), it’s going to have:

  • a nutritarian food prep overview
  • 6 weeks of food prep plans (featuring 6 different types of cuisines)
  • an easy method to create-your-own weekly plans
  • exclusive recipes you won’t find on the blog
  • over 12 printables, including weekly shopping lists
  • access to a secret Facebook group where you can see exclusive food prep videos and get continued support from me!

I couldn’t be more excited about this project and how it’s going to help make living your nutritarian lifestyle that much easier!

I plan to launch the eBook on Saturday, October 1st.

Food Prep eBook announcement Dr Fuhrman Eat to Live six week program fruit bowlIf you’ve read this far, I can tell you’re serious about becoming a better nutritarian!


Once the book is finished I will have more free giveaways so make sure you keep checking Facebook and sign up for emails!

Right now I’m looking for 10 volunteers who will be given free advance copies of the eBook in exchange for their honest reviews and testimonials.  There will also be 2 to 3 short surveys to complete. 

If you would like to participate you only need to do two things:

  1. Follow MMTM on Facebook and leave a comment on the eBook announcement post (it will have the picture above).
  2. Leave a comment (below) on this post and tell me: how you found the site, your experience with Dr. Fuhrman’s nutritarian lifestyle and what has been your number one obstacle in implementing the plan.

Depending on how many of you would like to participate, I will choose participants at random!   I’ll announce the lucky 10 on Wednesday, July 7th at 6 PM!

I am so excited to share this new eBook with you!

Let’s do better together!  xo, Kristen

Get a free eat more salad eBook from MyMommaToldMe.comPS: I have already have one eBook that you can get for free right now!  Sign up for my weekly post updates and get the 7 Day Salad Cleanse sent to your inbox!

Dr Fuhrman Eat to Live 6 Week Program Clean Eating Fridge Tour BUTTON HIMake sure to take the Eat to Live fridge tour!  I’ll show you how to have a fridge-tox and the essentials you need in your fridge right now–plus print out two free printables for your fridge door!

MMTM Facebook ButtonLet’s connect on Facebook!  Join a community of people who want to regain their health with nutritional excellence!

follow-pinterest-buttonBe sure to follow my popular Eat to Live Pinterest board too!


xo, Kristen
Kristen Hong of Hello Nutritarian

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  • Erika says:

    I found your website a couple weeks ago and really enjoy it (I just google searched Eat To Live recipes). I have approached doing the ETL program numerous times, but have never been fully successful in doing the full 6 weeks (although I am currently doing it and hope to be successful this round). The struggle I face in implementing the program is I burn out after a few weeks because I get stressed in the evening trying to figure out what I am going to eat AND sometimes what I am going to feed my family because sometimes they don’t eat what I eat.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Erika!

      Thank you so much for participating and sharing a bit about your journey! Yay! I’m so very happy that you found the blog!!

      Oh, I know how hard it is to cook 2 or 3 meals at a time. My hubby is pretty decent about joining me on the plan but my two kiddos (ages 7 and 4) are definitely not on board yet. It really was that crazy, dinnertime stress that made focus on a food prep plan and it has made all the difference!

      Even just focusing on getting in your two big salads daily by chopping all your salad veggies on Sunday can be a really easy way to start prepping!

      Wishing you all the best on your current journey, I am here if you need anything, even just a friendly ear!

      xo, Kristen

  • Pamela says:

    I found your Pinterest boards when researching plant based menus, you are very inspirational and very informative about living a nutritarian life. Thank you for your journaling, recipes, daily menu plans and the good the bad and the ugly….you are very real. I NEED to do the prep, I would love to have the guidelines for prepping and not have to think about what to shop for or what to cook/eat. Thank you!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Pamela!

      Thank you so much for sharing a bit about yourself and I’m so glad you found the blog!

      I love that you are enjoying the content and finding it helpful!

      YES!! I promise that weekly food prep will set you free!!

      Wishing you the best of luck in the giveaway!

      xo, Kristen

  • Kathy Overstreet says:

    Leave a comment (below) on this post and tell me: how you found the site, your experience with Dr. Fuhrman’s nutritarian lifestyle and what has been your number one obstacle in implementing the plan.

    I found this site looking for ETL recipes. As to an ETL lifestyle – I love it! I started my ETL journey last fall (late August) and have lost almost 45 pounds (44.8)! More importantly, my AIC (90 day blood sugar) is in the normal range and a I medicine free after 10+ years of Metformin. Blood pressure is improving and I am feeling great!

    Number 1 obstacle was and is I love bread and cheese. The meat part was easy, and the bread one is better, but cheese – I so love it! I try to use vegan cheeses, but……

    • Destiny says:

      Kathy – If you’re finding the commercial vegan cheese substitutes unsatisfactory (like I do), I highly recommend the book Artisan Vegan Cheeses. These aren’t quick recipes, they are actually cultured like dairy cheese, but they are sooooo worth the wait. I’ve made a brie and chevre that my omnivore friends raved about from that book 🙂

    • jane hope says:

      I already love my food but this is the glitter on top. Inspiring! I followed ETL for two and half years perfectlperfectly then went to Panama and still followed it with lots of juicing but began to add SAD foods. Three months ago found Furman’s Cookbook and it is a whole new experience. So not ever hungry. No restaurant has food this good!

  • Vanessa Marvin says:

    I am sooo thankful I found your blog while searching for Eat To Live compliant recipes as my husband and I began following Dr Furman’s 6 week plan. The first week was incredibly daunting!!! Then I found your post about food prep and it totally helped simplify things for me and show me what I should have ready to be successful each we’re. I CANT WAIT to read your ebook to help me take my food prep to the next level!!! Thanks for all you do paving the way for the rest of us!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Vanessa!

      Thank you so much for participating and sharing a bit about yourself!

      Oh I know how rough that first week was–there is a pretty huge gap between the book and really putting it into practice without hiring a full-time chef!

      I am SO glad you found the Food Prep Guide helpful!

      Wishing you the best of luck on the giveaway!

      xo, Kristen

  • Debbie Griewe says:

    I’ve been doing this since May 2nd and have had a few obstacles. I think it does have to do with being prepared. I also am a cook and I still find the recipes a bit boring compared to my meat eating days. I would love to have a copy and f your book and help with surveys.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi again Debbie!

      Thank you so much for sharing with us and participating in the giveaway!

      I can only imagine how hard it must be to be around all those lovely textures and aromas at work–you have it sooo much harder than the rest of us!

      xo, Kristen

  • Terry Jenkins says:

    I can’t remember if I found your blog by googling, or if I found the Facebook Eat to Live Support Group and saw a link to your blog there! Regardless, I found you during my first few weeks on the 6 week challenge, and your journal and blog were so refreshing! I signed up for emails then. I started ETL after my sister gave me an old copy of the book in January. When I finally picked it up and began to read, I was hooked! I started the plan February 20th extremely obese, and have lost 40 pounds so far. I plan to stay ETL for life! The food prep hurdle is one I still have not taken. So EVERY DAY, I am washing and chopping piles of vegetables. There have been a few days where I just didn’t have the energy to do it, and so I went without either my huge salad or my cooked meal. Probably no harm in the long run, but I would rather be prepared!! I look forward to your book!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Terry!

      Let me start off by saying thank you for being such a source of inspiration and encouragement in the ETL support group!

      Thank you for sharing more about yourself and what led you to this journey!

      I think prep is hard for all of us and really can make or break you on those really busy or emotionally taxing days–I can’t tell you how many times I have been “saved” knowing I had soup and steamed greens waiting for me in the fridge;.

      Thank you for participating in the giveaway and I can’t wait to share this labor of love with you!

      xo, Kristen

  • Sarah Sorlien says:

    I was introduced to your blog b another nutritarian, and yo have been very influential in the community already. Thank you for sharing your light!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Sarah!

      Thank you so much for sharing and your very kind words!

      xo, Kristen

  • Lauren says:

    Hi Kristen!

    I’m still transitioning to a nutritarian lifestyle (currently GF and DF, whole-food plant based, but not quite vegan) and I can honestly say that your website is my favourite. I found your site by googling “nutritarian recipe blog” a few months ago and read the ETL cheat sheet, meal plans, recipes and prep guide for inspiration.

    I’m surprised at the boost in energy Dr Fuhrman’s plan has provided, with food that is surprisingly delicious. Coming from a low-carb paleo diet, I was shocked that carbs didn’t make me fat but rather, provided me with the nutrients and energy I need to improve my workouts and stay sharp at work.

    I haven’t yet committed to the ETL 6 week challenge because life is unstable right now and I’m finding it difficult to plan more than 1 day in advance. I know the principles, but I need a structured plan to follow.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Lauren!

      So happy you stumbled upon the blog and are enjoying it!!

      I’m so glad you changed your approach to carbs and are getting that clean energy you crave! I always say that Eat to Live makes me feel the most productive–it’s get up and go food!

      Thank you for participating in the giveaway and wishing you lots of success on your health journey!

      xo, Kristen

  • Carol D. says:

    Very excited about your new project and I wish you much success with the eBook! It is going to help so many people in so many ways. I found you searching for “Eat To Live results” or something like that! Funny, the part that really hooked me was your fantastic, thorough, yet so simple, Food Prep Guide. It really does make a difference when you plan to succeed! I guss my number one obstacle has been slacking off and I have been struggling along the ETL path lately after going full throttle about 4 years ago and am now feeling like it’s time to dedicate myself to it again. I would love to help you (and myself!) by testing your new eBook (I happen to love “experiments” and surveys :)) Thank you SO much for all you do!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Carol!

      Thank you so much for sharing a bit about yourself! I’m so glad you found the Food Prep Guide helpful! That post and the positive reactions to it is what sparked me to write the eBook!

      I’m so glad you participated in the giveaway and I’m wishing you lots of luck!

      xo, Kristen

  • S says:

    I found you on the ETL Facebook page. Prep is my kryptonite – I love your guides. Can’t wait for the ebook!!!

    • Kristen says:

      Thanks so much for sharing S!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Mary Jo says:

    I found you on Pinterest and have repinned days 1-4. I did buy Dr. Furman’s book and reading it. I have 70 lbs to lost and am afraid because I have failed many times. I would love to get your ebook. You are amazing for sharing. I have been following you on facebook for a few weeks and get you emails. Thank you

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Mary Jo!!

      Thank you so much for sharing a little bit about your journey!

      I am so glad you found the blog and are finding the content helpful! Don’t think about your past failures! Forgive yourself right now and vow that you are going to better every day! When I started I told myself that I will never again weigh as much as I do today. It helped me focus on the future instead of kicking myself in the butt for letting it get so bad!

      You can most definitely lose all that weight on this plan and not feel hungry! I am here for you if you need anything!

      Wishing you the best of luck on the giveaway!

      xo, Kristen

      • Mary Jo says:

        Thank you I will do it and if you don’t mind keep you posted

  • Lori says:

    I did the nutritarian eating with my mother and lost weight, but I felt hungry often. I lost weight though. I have tried starting over on it and no weight is coming off. I am thankful for your sight and hope to gain some knowledge that I may have forgotten. I have eat to live and really love the idea of it–I just haven’t been motivated like I should and am in need of some weight loss, Looking forward to trying some of your ideas!

  • Pam says:

    I found your site because someone had posted a link to it from an ETL board. I was so impressed with your well written articles and beautiful pictures that I subscribed and have been enjoying it ever since. I also follow you on FB. I have been following the ETL plan for a while. I am not 100% and am ok with that because I plan on eating this way forever. I would like to do the 6 week plan and have tried in the past but I don’t last for more than a few days because I didn’t prep properly. I can’t wait to see your ebook and would love to be chosen to give feedback etc. Btw, I love your baked tofu and bbq sauce!! Thank you,

  • Henry says:

    Hey Kristen, I had to have found your site from a pinterest post and I’ve been smitten ever since. You’re an inspiration and your posts have been very informative while I’ve been making this lifestyle change. Anything that could make the process easier is a winner in my book!

  • ROBIN says:

    Hi Kristen, Thank you for your wonderful blog, so much helpful information. I found your blog on an ETL Facebook link. I’ve been following ETL for 2 years. I feel great, my weight is down, aches and pains are gone and I have a ton of energy. I agree that planning and food prep are the keys to success.

  • Paulette says:

    I was looking for a bean dip recipe and found your recipe. I’ve been following the reverse diabetes diet for 3 months. I love how much better I feel and look forward to the huge salad every day. I can’t wait to try the recipe.

    Every picture looks like a rainbow. So delecious just to look at.

  • Michelle Moawad says:

    I recently read Eat to Live and really want to implement a nutritarian lifestyle. I found your website when searching ‘how to start a nutritarain diet’, and am so glad I did! What you’ve outlined is exactly what I need – a more detailed outline on how to approach getting started. I am looking forward to the release of your ebook 🙂

  • Mandy Pickett says:

    So Happy to have found this blog!! I was looking for daily meal plans to make sure I was eating enough and not too much and your blog and FB page has helped a lot. I’ve been vegan for awhile with no guidance, my wife wasn’t vegan and would like to shed some weight, I found the Eat to Live cookbook and asked her to do it together! With your helpful tips I know she will be on board and it will eliminate some of the doubts and questions! Thank you!

  • Lynda says:

    Hello, Kristen. I just found you on Pinterest and really liked what I saw when I read your blog post. I look forward to you new ebook as I could really use the assistance on Food Prep, what to buy, and how to plan for success as I begin my ETL lifestyle.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Lynda!

      Thank you so much for joining in the giveaway and sharing a little bit about how you found the site!

      xo, Kristen

  • Kathy says:

    Kristen…I recently found your website from a Pinterest search. I just started the Eat to Live program today and your website is very helpful. My fear is that I will get bored with the food or possibly lazy with preparing ahead. I’ve committed to six weeks and hope that I can make it through that. I found Dr. Fuhrman’s book to be very interesting and hope that I am successful and regain some energy so that I can help others with their diet. I’m looking forward to your new book.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Kathy!

      Thanks so much for sharing a little bit about how you learned about ETL and the blog! SO excited that yous tarted the 6 week program!!

      Thanks so much for joining in the giveaway!

      xo, Kristen

  • Renn McClintic-Doyle says:

    6 months ago my son was put on gluten free, dairy free, peanut free diet. I changed everything for him but the rest of the family kept eatting the old way with me fixing 2 meals all the time. Now that my wife and I are starting n the Eat to Live plan we are back to all eating the same thing at each meal…..minus the the salad. My son has autism and salad isn’t his thing so he just gets a larger portion of the cooked entree. Sunday is going to be food prep day. With a family of 7 we need a bigger refrig. Storing non-perishables and processed food in the cabinets was easier. I loved the picture of the neatly organized refrigerator on you site.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Renn!

      Oh wow! I know how awful it is to have to cook multiple meals–not fun!

      I think weekly food prep will really help you and your wife stay on track and keep things simple during the week!

      Thanks so much for your kind words!

      xo, Kristen

  • Megan says:

    I found your blog through the ETL Facebook group. You posted a link. I first heard about ETL four years ago when my brother started the program. He lost over 100 pounds and kept it off this whole time. I’ve tried twice, but I have three young children that I Homeschool and it’s so much time and energy to dedicate to ETL. I try and want to stick with it, but I don’t have much time

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Megan!

      Thanks so much for entering the giveaway and letting us know a bit more about your ETL journey!

      I can totally relate to being a stay-at-home mom (though you are undoubtedly on a whole other level home-schooling!!) and it can be super-hard–that’s the exact reason I had to dedicate myself to figuring out weekly food prep!

      WOW, over 100 pounds is amazing!! Your brother is a real inspiration!

      xo, Kristen

  • Kendra says:

    I found you on the Eat to Live Facebook Support Group and I have admired your food photos for sure! I have just finished Dr. Fuhrmans 10 in 20 Day plan and I really enjoyed the menus in that and would love to compare them to your longer plan and have food prep advice! I do so much better with plans and preparing ahead; if I don’t have things ready to go, it is so easy to get off track and stop at the falafel shop. Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to try this out!

  • Sam Washington says:

    Hello 🙂 I found your website from the Facebook support group. I originally heard about this lifestyle from the GBOMBS instant pot group. My biggest struggle is time driving and running around with 4 kids. I food prep most weeks but not enough. I also need to remember and find easier ways to bring the food with me while out. Would love to try your book out!

  • Shelly says:

    I found your site through the ETL Facebook support group. I’ve been nutritarian off and on for over 3 years. When I started, I instantly lost 25 pounds within 2 months. It was amazing! My biggest challenge is Holidays and Birthdays, etc. I’m easily swayed by the choices of others. At Christmas time, if I go to my home state to visit family, I will gain 10 pounds easy. But I come back and lose it right away because I get back to my ETL life. I just wish I had the willpower to resist the temptation when delicious SAD food is put in front of me. I can easily avoid processed food, it’s the darn home baked goodness that gets me. Every. Time. So… I will continue to try. This is a journey and every day is a fresh start.

  • Dawn says:

    Hi. I found you on google when searching for Eat To Live. I have been trying to do the full 6 weeks of ETL recently but keep struggling with it. My biggest obstacle is when I have to eat on the go or at a restaurant. I also need help with food prep and menu ideas. I think your ebook sounds fantastic!

  • Laura says:

    I found you on Pinterest as I was searching for ETL recipes. I love your blog and recipes! I am in week three of the program. I have a couple of challenges- I work a 7 on/7 off overnight position at a hospital. The other challenge I’m dealing with is using olive oil (usually just a drop) in my dressings. I am going to try just the balsamic vinegars I have. I love the stuff!!
    Looking forward to you ebook!!

  • Miri says:

    HI Kristen! I love your website, all the pictures and the style of your writing. I found your website when I googled ETL recipes.
    I had a baby few moths ago and it has been difficult to stay on the wagon. But I keep coming back to wanting to changing my eating lifestyle due to your website. Jist two days ago I revisited your website and read that you had tried few times to stay on track but failed. That was encouraging and it gave me courage to keep getting up. Especially the part that you tried when your baby was six months and the attempt failed. Right now that’s were I am. Wow and you are doing this now for 3 years!!!’
    As a nursing mom there are times I have hunger bangs that shut off my ‘thinking! Even if I have all the foods prepared I don’t care about anything except wanting a big snicker bar or turtle track ice cream. I know, too, as I have done ETL, if I hang in there for few weeks my taste buds will change and my brain will be tempted by baby carrots instead :-). The other struggle I have is not having anyone around who would go on this journey with me. When I did before I was in college and my roommates did it and it was easy and fun!
    I can’t wait to get your book! Even better I would love to win it 😉 that just sounds awesome!

    Do you have a support group? I would join it right away!


    • Kristen says:

      Hi Miri!

      Thank you so much for sharing your story and entering the ebook giveaway!

      Wow! I remember being a nursing momma–I graduated from law school and I still say that nursing my daughter for her first year was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life!

      Yes! I have most certainly fallen off the nutritarain wagon, but I never give up on wanting this way of life for myself! So, when my daughter was 6 months old I did the 6 week plan for the first time–I did it 100% and I lost just over 21 pounds! It was after that first 6 weeks that I went on and off, but yes, I’ve been doing this now for over 3 years (my daughter turns 4 at the end of this month)!

      Be patient with yourself, especially at this time in your life with a baby! You will get back to where you want to be, and I know it’s hard, going for that comfort food when your hormones are readjusting–the struggle is real!

      I will be launching a Facebook support group when the ebook goes live! But I am a member of a fabulous ETL Support group right now that I think you’d love:

      xo, Kristen

  • Amanda says:

    Hi Kristen,
    I found your wonderful site after looking on pintrest for ETL recipes. Your sight has made feel like this is doable. I have two small children, work full time and have a hubby going to school. ETL seemed very daunting with not much time left in the day. Planning is my biggest struggle since I don’t want to get stuck eating salad every meal. The other hard part is what to make for my kids without me making two dinners as they aren’t big on salad.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Amanda!

      Thank you so much for sharing a bit about how you got here and for entering the giveaway!!

      Wow, you are super-busy! I could definitely see how doing the ETL program would feel daunting!

      I hear you about salad! I aim to have two salads before my hot dish at every meal, sometimes I love it, other times I hate it, but I have seen that when I eat more salad the weight comes off faster and I feel better. That being said I always, always prefer my hot dish and use it as a reward for finishing my salad!

      It definitely sounds like batch prepping would be helpful for you–making 2-3 different meals for dinner was the #1 reason I started getting into weekly prepping. My two young kiddos are definitely not on the plan and my hubby goes in and out.

      xo, Kristen

  • Michelle (mesh) Miranda says:

    I found your site right after reading ETL the guest time… I googled nutritarian and voila! I have used a number of your recipes, especially recently as I try to get back to committing 100% to ETL. I lost weight and felt so vibrant after doing the 6 week plan, but then I fell off the wagon and have had one foot dangling in the mud ever since.

    To put it simply, life is my biggest obstacle, but to break it down it’s these things:
    1) finding recipes that satisfy (need that umami sometimes! Especially if I’m going to convince my husband to try it!)
    2) planning in advance without feeling like food has taken over my life (somehow, this wasn’t a concern the first time, but it seriously overwhelms me sometimes now)
    3) finding recipes and weekly plans that are simple and cost efficient (if I’m buying rosemary for one recipe that needs just 1tsp, I search for any others I can use, so the remainder of the spring doesn’t go to waste!)

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe and tips!!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Michelle!

      Thank you so much for sharing about your journey and joining the ebook giveaway!

      Wow, your comment really speaks so me and I struggled myself after having tremendous success on the 6 week plan and reaching that magical state of nutritarian nirvana (where you natural energy spikes, your head clears and you feel invincible)!

      I really like what you’re saying about that sprig of rosemary–that is one of my pet peeves too! The dried versus fresh herbs dilemma is real for that very fact! I do believe that batch cooing in general is much more cost efficient, I have debated whether to include cost in the ebook but it gets into some gnarly areas when you have pantry staples (like spices and nutritional yeast that will used over a span of time), so we’ll see.

      xo, Kristen

  • Susan says:

    Hi Kristen!

    I found your site from your amazing photos in the ETL facebook group. One day I was going through the photos trying to get ideas and I kept noticing how colorful and delish your posts were and I had to learn more. I LOVE your blog and have shared it many times as a way for people to get help. I am so excited that you are making a book.

    For me the biggest obsticle has been learning how to cook in a whole new way. I have been told that I am a very good cook. People have raved about some of my recipies, but nutritarian cooking.. I feel like a fish out of water and my dishes need help big time.

    Thank you for all the effort you have put into this site and all of the help you give. I really appreciate it!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Susan!

      Yay!! So happy to meet another member of my favorite FB group! Thank you so much for entering this giveaway and also for sharing the blog with others–that truly means so much!

      Wow, I completely agree about cooking in a “whole new way,” which is a very nice way of saying without any flavor–because (let’s face it) that’s what most people who aren’t on this plan think! I always say it’s easy to make delicious food with butter, oil and salt but to truly have skills you need to cook without those! I can promise you that you will get better and more creative with time!

      I really enjoyed your comment!

      xo, Kristen

  • Lynne says:

    I just found your website tonight after reading your post on the ETL Facebook support group. I have incorporated parts of the ETL lifestyle, but always go back to less healthy choices when I’m stuck making meal choices at the last moment due to busy schedule of work and kids. Your book sounds like a life saver that will make it possible for me to stick to ETL! Thanks for all your effort!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Lynne!

      Yay!! So glad you joined the giveaway! I love the ETL Facebook group–such a wonderful, encouraging community!

      I completely feel you about making good choices while raising a family–totally why I got into weekly meal prep! Can’t wait to share this book because it is going to help so many people in our same boat!

      xo, Kristen

  • Melanie says:

    I found you through Facebook when looking for vegan, nutritarian recipes. I have been researching and reading the book Eat to Live for a few weeks and have been doing the diet for 6 days now. I have 2 teenage boys and a husband that I need to feed 3x per day. My struggle is feeding them in a healthy way without jeopardizing my own diet nor forcing my choices on them. I want to set myself up for success in the long run. Thank you for all the wonderful information. It has been a big help in my journey.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Melanie!

      Congrats on reaching your first week on your nutritarian journey!

      I can really relate to having to cook multiple meals (at each meal) that was reason #1 for developing a weekly prep plan and it has helped me immensely!

      Thank you for joining this giveaway!

      xo, Kristen

      • Melanie says:

        Thanks! You are so personal with replying to each message. It is very encouraging and I like that you share your struggles with getting several dinners ready for the family at the same time. Sometimes I think I’m the only one without a picture perfect life and I’m the only one who struggles with time issues. Doing this together and hearing other people’s triumphs and tragedies helps me realize that this lifestyle is possible. Already I got a compliment that I look like I have a “spark” now. 7 days on this journey and I’ve lost 5 lbs and gained a “spark!”

        • Kristen says:

          Hi again Melanie!

          Absolutely, we are all in this crazy, messy thing called life together!

          I totally think that’s a perfect way to put it–when you work this lifestyle you get that “Spark.”

          xo, Kristen

  • Bethany Diss says:

    I have been doing E2L for about 6 months . I found your site searching for recipes and found it to be very helpful- thank you!!! I would love to preview your new book!!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Bethany!

      Congratulations on 6 months of practicing the nutritarian lifestyle!!

      I’m so glad you are participating in the giveaway!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Lesia says:

    I am brand new to ETL. and transitioning from Paleo. This has required much research for recipes and somewhere along the way I came across your page.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Lesia!

      Thanks so much for sharing a bit about your health journey and how you found the site! I’m so excited you are participating in this giveaway!

      xo, Kristen

  • Paula says:

    Hi Kristen,

    I just found your site a couple of weeks ago and I have gained so much information. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ve chosen the nutritarian lifestyle because I have a host of issues I’m trying to alleviate (T2 Diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol). I’m determined to slay all of them and I know by eating this way I can. Goodbye meds!! The biggest challenge I have is menu planning. I’m one of those people who get bored real fast eating the same thing over and over again. It can be quite daunting at times, but your site has really helped me a lot in just these few weeks. I’ve been following your menu plans and they have been really helpful. I think your upcoming ebook sounds fantastic and can’t wait to get my hands on it. Good luck!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Paula!

      I’m so, so happy you found the site and it has been helping you on your health journey!!

      Thank you so much for joining in on this giveaway–I can’t wait to share the ebook!!

      xo, Kristen

  • Samantha says:

    Hey Kristen, I am so excited for this and I would love to be a part of your tester group! I have been working towards a dr. F nutritarian lifestyle for about a year now and my biggest setback everytime is that I don’t prep enough or have the know how to make the tight amount of food ahead of time so often times I end up with not enough at the end of the week and it is when I break. 🙁 I found your amazing site when I was searching for others experiences on the 6 week plan.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Amanda!

      So, so glad you entered the giveaway! Weekly batch food prepping will definitely help you! Can’t wait to share this approach!

      xo, Kristen

  • D Jones says:

    Love your blog. I am doing the Eat To Live 6 week challenge now, and it has been very helpful!

  • Donna Fallacaro says:

    Hi Kristen!
    You are working so hard and it shows! Can’t wait to see the Ebook and share on my blog – and with my private ETL group. As an NET (Nutritarian Education Trainer), I am always looking for additional tips for my clients!

  • Sabrina says:

    Hoping I am not too late to enter!!

    • Kristen says:

      Not too late at all!! Thanks for joining, Sabrina!

      xo, Kristen

  • WiccanWitch says:

    Leave a comment (below) on this post and tell me: how you found the site, your experience with Dr. Fuhrman’s nutritarian lifestyle and what has been your number one obstacle in implementing the plan.

    I found the site on the facebook Eat to Live support site. I have not started the 6 week plan yet, I am getting the tools I need to prepare. I am not sure about eating so much soy and no eggs.

  • Linda Hickam says:

    Hi Kristin, I have been a “nute” for 7 months, lost 23 pounds and counting. I fight chronic pain from severe arthritis and I was recommended to read and follow Dr. Furhman’s Eat To Live to help with Inflamation and possibly help with the pain. I really like the lifestyle and am thinking of this as a lifetime change, not a diet. Only one friend joined me but she has been very successful also, losing almost 20, all she needed to lose. Both of us felt we were very knowledgable about nutrition, but boy we have learned so much and continue to. We get together for dinner at each other’s homes about three times a month for our little ETL support meeting, and often use recipes you have given the highest ratings. Thank you for all your tips to help make cooking ETL tasty and easy. My friend and I are members of the ETL Support Group on Facebook and found you there. I “liked” your wonderful page many months ago!

    I think my biggest challenge is getting in the GBOMBS, and keeping it simple so I won’t feel overwhelmed about the amount of planning and work needed to stay healthy.

    I am my husband’s assistant and I edit and have helped with promotion on all of his 18 bestselling books, including his memoir Rocket Boys, made into the award winning movie, October Sky. I would be honored to help you by editing and promoting your new book and program! Please pick me! In health, Linda

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Linda!

      Wow! Thank you so very much for letting me know more about your journey! You and your friend are truly inspirations and those ETL dinner parties sound like so much fun–I so, so wish I had a buddy who was doing this with me, what a treasure!

      Thank you so much for letting me know about your editing expertise, I could absolutely use help in that department! I will be in touch with you soon!

      Thanks again! xo, Kristen

  • Mona says:

    So lucky to have found your site. My husband has type 2 diabetes. We tried Eat to Live last summer and he lost 2 7 pounds. Come August it was back to school ( we are both teachers), stress, lack of time …excuses. This summer we were both committed to begin again. We were tired of being tired and feeling sick. So fortunate to have read your article on cleaning out the kitchen and preparing food ahead to avoid pitfalls. We are about 3 weeks into the program and it is working beautifully. Meals are so much easier…always stocked and ready to go. Thank you so much for your experience and continued advice on being successful with the Eat to Live program.
    Mona Garner

    • Kristen says:

      Welcome Mona!

      I am SO, SO happy that you and your hubby are getting back to the ETL lifestyle!!

      It makes me so happy that the Food Prep Guide and Fridge-tox have helped you jump back in! I have a lot of great content to come that I can’t wait to share!

      I really appreciate your comment, thanks so much!

      xo, Kristen

  • Destiny says:

    Hello! I your blog searching for the 6-week plan rules. I had agreed to do Whole30 with my roommate, but after reading more about that plan I couldn’t get on board. They eliminate legumes saying they cause inflammation, but I can’t find any non-paleo-specific references for that. All the reputable sources I found say that eating beans reduces inflammation (not to mention how great they are for your gut bacteria). It just felt like an excuse to eat meat, meat, and more meat. So, I told my roomie that I can’t get on board Whole30, but I would do ETL instead.

    I’ve done ETL in the past, but since hubby isn’t on board it’s hard to keep it up. For the first 6 weeks I can play the “I’m on a temporary elimination diet” card, but after that it gets harder to maintain 2 different eating styles in the same home. Some of the things that are really important to him to keep around (soda, candy, ice cream) are hard for me to resist when I’m stressed. It does help to keep on-plan “junk” foods around, like the Black Bean Brownies from the ETL cookbook, but it takes time and advance planning. I think if I could convince him to read the book it would all be well. 🙂

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Destiny!

      Thanks so much for introducing yourself and telling me a little bit about your journey! I’m SO glad you found the site and I hope you are enjoying the content!

      Yes! I agree with you wholeheartedly about Whole30 and the paleo camp just wanting to justify eating too much meat! I’m glad you listened to your gut (literally) and decided to come back to the ETL lifestyle!

      I know exactly how hard it is to do this diet on your own, my first 6 weeks my hubby was not on board and I had a 6-month-old and a 3-year-old to cook separately for too! The good news is that my hubby eventually came on board when he saw my results–so don’t count your hubby out!

      My hubby never read the book and he said he’d rather I just tell him, lol! I really think you can win him over by doing it 100% and getting where you want to be! Please read this post about cheating (and get the free printable calendar that will help you visualize your eating!) here:

      Wishing you the absolute best on your journey!

      xo, Kristen

  • Karena says:

    Aww, so sorry I missed this fantastic chance! I’m getting prepped up and ready to start my six weeks on August 1st. I’ve been vegan for a few years now, and have made several attempts at nutritarian, but was never really able commit and follow through. I’m so glad to have discovered your blog for inspiration! Come to think about it.

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Karena!

      YAY!! I’m so glad you are starting your nutritarian journey!

      I’m so glad you discovered the blog too! I wish you all the success in the world and I’m always here if you need anything!

      xo, Kristen

  • Eric Johnson says:

    Hi Kristen,
    Seriously good blog; you clearly put a lot of work into each post and I’ve yet to see a single post that’s just fluff. I am on week two of a slightly modified (stricter) version of Dr. Fuhrman’s plan (I have an awful lot of weight to lose, you see…), and yours is by far the most useful site I’ve found for practical advice and recipes. I will definitely recommend your blog to family and friends.

    Thanks for all the hard work!

    Eric Johnson

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Eric!

      Wow, thank you so very much for taking the time to leave a comment and your words mean so very much to me!

      I work really hard for my readers–no fluff allowed! This is my passion and I’m just grateful that I get to continue to do it!

      You’ve found the right lifestyle if you have a lot of weight to lose! I will be rooting you along, please check back in and share how you’re doing! Also, if you are not already a member, join the Eat to Live facebook support group–wonderfully supportive community! You can find it here:

      Thank you again!

      xo, Kristen

  • Samantha C. says:

    I found your site on Pinterest while looking for things to help keep me on track for nutritarian! The hardest part for me was finding what to eat until I found your blog. I also love sweets. So trying to eat fruit instead of dairy free or butter free items. I really love the blog and am excited about your ebook!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Samantha!

      So happy you found the blog and have started a nutritarian lifestyle!

      I’m so excited to share the ebook with everyone–I’m a busy little bee right now, working to get it done!

      xo, Kristen

  • Kellie says:

    So excited about Nutitarian food prep NOW! You make it look so fun, colorful, and appealing that I want to do it! Time and preparation are my biggest obstacles! Thanks for posting on the Dr Fuhrman FB page!!! Let’s do this!!!!????????

  • Monica says:

    Hi Kristen,

    I’ve just discovered your website and am finding it such a great resource. Just wondering where I can find your e-book?

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Monica!

      Yay! I’m so happy you are finding the site helpful!

      The ebook hasn’t been released yet–as of now the scheduled release is Dec. 29th. It may possibly be pushed up to the week before Christmas, I will know for sure by the end of this month! It’s taken me longer than anticipated but I want to make sure it’s absolutely perfect!

      Make sure to sign up for emails and facebook so you can stay in the loop–I will be doing ebook giveaways and specials!

      xo, Kristen

  • Jen says:

    Hi Kristen! I recently bought the ETL audible book. I have yet to read it in full but have been toying with the idea of just jumping into ETL after having health problems lately due to, I believe, my awful eating habits! I am a full-blown sugar addict and I’m sure I’m right there with salt as well. I have a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old… am a stay-at-home-mom and Interior Design student who tends to eat my feelings and frustration! Haha I sound like a pretty big bummer, don’t I? I just want to be healthier, first and foremost, so I can get my energy and clarity of mind back. And if in the process I melt off the extra 40 lbs I’ve been carrying since my baby was born 2 years ago, that would be great. As I type this, I’m 2 days away from Thanksgiving. Am I crazy to even start this now? Since I am a SAHM, we don’t have the money to just throw away on groceries… It would be a sacrifice to stock the fridge, etc with ETL staples since I will be the only one on it. I’m just trying to figure out how to maximize my chances of success and of course the thought that keeps creeping in is… “I’ll start it next week” or “After the holidays, maybe”.

    Thank you for your site. I have a feeling that once I do get on the program I will be coming here to read and find inspiration quite a bit!

    • Kristen says:

      Hi Jen!

      So, so nice to meet you! And I can relate so very much to everything you’re feeling right now.

      I started ETL after my second was born and I was carrying around an extra 40 pounds myself. I know how stressful it is to be a SAHM for young kiddos. Food was my comfort after hectic days.

      What I can promise you is you can feel great again! At first, it’s not going to be easy. The first few weeks can be rough, but once you start to feel lighter (tighter) and more energized, you’ll be hooked to continue on!

      The question of when to start really depends on how you feel about “cheating”. I tend to fall into the all-or-nothing camp which means I wouldn’t want to schedule my 6 weeks unless I knew 100% that I wouldn’t cheat. If you can make the promise to yourself to not cheat on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Eve, then I would say to do it now–always, the sooner the better.

      But, if you feel like you’re going to eat off-plan one of those days you might want to reconsider the timing. I am a firm believer in doing something now, even if it’s not the 100% on-plan approach.

      You could start by eating a large salad, with an oil-free, low salt dressing before lunch and dinner (you can read more about it here). You can sign up for emails and get a free copy of The 7 Day Salad Cleanse ebook and just do this until you are able to commit to the full 6 weeks.

      Remember, YOU hold your family together, YOU need to feel good and at your best. Investing time and maybe a little extra money into your health and well being is money wisely spent. I have never regretted doing this for myself because I felt so freaking miserable when I was just letting myself go.

      I am here for you, never hesitate to reach out!

      Wishing you the best!

      xo, Kristen

  • Wanda Thorpe Wygal says:

    I changed devices and lost your salad week book. Can you please help me link to the book again? I already subscribe to your page.

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Wanda,

      So sorry you lost the file but not to worry! Just open up one of the last emails I sent you (I just sent one out this morning) and at the bottom of every email there is a link where you can re-download The 7 Day Salad Cleanse!

      xo, Kristen

  • Lesa says:

    Hi, I found your site mentioned on Dr. Fuhrman’s site in a blog, and I came to see what’s it all about, because I was really struggling and needed help and support. I love all the color on your site, It reminds me of rainbows,, and happy playful things. And I get to eat all that. I really struggle with prep and self esteem, I would love to take your surveys, and have shared your site with others on Dr. Fuhrmans blogs. I needed help now, since very obese, So I have been reading your site here, found your Pinterest page. I get the news letter, and I subscribed to your You Tube Chanel, I don’t current have a Facebook account, so don’t know how to use that helpful part, I don’t Pinterest a lot, old fashioned I guess. I did already buy your ebook, and am reading it. Thank you for all the help and inspiration you give others, would love to get to talk with you. Thanks

  • Paula says:

    What are the containers you are using for the pasta, oats, etc.?

    • Kristen Hong says:

      Hi Paula, these were bought from Target years ago but I don’t have any links–sorry!